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FREE RAILROAD FARE TO AND FROM DETROIT. II8ïlYl[l OP THE CRED1TORS' GUEAT HALFMILLIOni BOLUAIt FAILURE SALE OF KIB CLOTHINU. A BARÏAI HAKVEST FOR THE MSXT FISTBEN DAYS. As an avalanehe of snow rusblng down the mountain side gatliers strengtn and inonientum on its dowward course to the vaïley below, so did tbe creditors' gréat lialf-inilliou dollar failure saJo of flnfe clotlnug, hats, furnisliings, at Xo. 4 Jlonroe avenue, last week gatber strength and momenturu day after day. It was, indeed. "A Wonder Sale." Each package brought home by delighted purchasers, as soon as shown to friends or neighbors, broüght thosi same frieuds and neighbors to the si ore at once fo'r the same or other bargains, and the otigiHal buyers carne again and again. xVs a rale, we don't believe iu extin;liii}r a saie over the advertised time. bul wc make au exception, tliis once. We continue the creditors' great half-million dollar sale two weeks longer. We want every one to share in its wonderful benefits, if yoo couldn't last week. or if you couldn't get to the counters last week, come tliis week. Come to the feast, pnd come at once. Kead our quotations below. Kead every article carefr.llv. It will nav vou. OíAJ. C1UUJ . i I 111 [í.l Vil. CLOTHING DEPARTM BNT. Men'g durable pláid checked and mixed Che-iot suits, fonner price L12.00, now selling fór $;.(.". Men's every-day suits, $2.4"), worth $7.00. Men's une single and do.uble-breasted cheviot and casslmere dress suits. former price, $15.00, now being sacrlñced at $6.50. Men's lmported Bngllsh Oiay worsted suits in Prlnce Alberts and cutaways, $9.85, dead cheap al $22.00. Men's heavy blue cloth double-breasted suits, $6.75, cheap at $15.03. Men's good heavy overeoats, $1.95, worth $5.00. Men's chinchilla overcoats. full length, $3.25, former price. $9.00. Men's fine Kersey and Melton overeoats, cassimere Hned, deep stylish eut, fonner price $15.00, Banknipt Trice, $.50. Men's Storm Ulsters, $1.90, former price, $4.00 Men's Cassimere-lined Ulsters, witli high collars", former price $12.00, now setiing for $4.85. Men's good Pants, 75c. worth $2.00. Men's business Pants, 00c, worth $15.00. Men's Fancy Striped and Checked Pants in Fitsbury Worsted and Comner's, $2.25. dead cheap at $('..00. Boys' good suits, 79c. worth $2.00. Boys' double-breasted cassiinere suits, $1.35, former price, $4.00. Boys' heavy overcoats, 95c, worth $2.50. Boys' new style English Ulsters and Overcoats, all slzes, fonner price $S.OO to $10.00, now selllng for $3.15. Boys' Knee Pants, 21c, worth 50c. Boys' Dress Knee Pants 45c, worth $1.50. FURNISHENG GOODS. Men's socks, S pairs for 25c. Men's all-wool socks. 13c, worth 35c. Men's underwear, 2í)c. worth 50c. Men's scarlet and natural wool shirts and dfawers 49c, cheap at $1.25. Men's suspenders, 9c, worth 25c. Men's Jersey shirts, all wool, 68c, worth $1.50. Mén's good working shirts, 25c. Men's fine white dress shirts, 45c, worth $1.00. 5,000 faney neckties from 5c to 25c, worth from 25c to 75c. Men's soft aud latest style Fedora hats from 39c to $1.25, worth from $1.00 to $3.00. Men's Derby hats, very latest styles, from 79c to $1.85, former price froin $1.50 to $3.50. Men's liuen collars, 5c; culis, 9c; 500 elegant satchels and traveltng baga being closed out at 1-3 their valué. Këmember, these are but a few of the thousands of bargains to be found at this great slaughter sale. The company offers a special inducement to parties living out of Detroit - Every person after making a purchase of clothing to the amount of $12, will present this slip to the manager and their railroad fare will be paid for one way; and to purchasers to the amount of $18, his or her fare will be paid both ways. Don't forget the number, 4 Monroe avenue, opposite the City Hall. Look for the Big Yellow Awning. ORBDITORS' HALF-MILLION DOLliAR FAILURB SALE, R. P. McCarthy, Mgr. Are You a Drummer? For the annual meeting of the Knights of the Grip at Saginaw December 2Óth and 27th, the T. A. A. & N. M. R'y will make rates of one fare for the round trip to all members of the association, their wives and all immediate members of their families. These tickets will be on sale December 28th. Fast Line to Des Moines. The long list of cities in the west and northwest reached without I change of cars via the Northwestern line, has been increased by the addition of Des Moines, the capital city of the great State of Iowa, and passengers for that point can now leave Chicago at a convenient hour in the eVening, and arrive at Des Moines the following morning in time for breakfast. The train is fully up to the high Standard always maintained by the North-western line, and is equipped with palace sleeping cars of the latest design, and reclining chair cars in which seats are furnished free of extra charge. Maps, time tables and general information can be obtained upon application to any ticket agent or by addressing W. A. Thrall, general passenger and ticket agent Chicago & Northwestern R'y, Chicago, Hls. Liver and Kidney Gure. Parks' Sure Gure is the only guaranteed reuiedy. lts action is quick and positi ve. Will stop that back-ache and siek head-ache. A positive speciric for all diseases of women. Why suffer when it will cure you? Sold by Eberbach & Sons. i


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