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Real Estáte For Sale. UTATEOFMICHIGAN.COÜNTYOFWASH-I - o tenaw ss: In the matter of the Estáte of Patrick Mc' Manon, deceased Notice is hereby giv.en, that in purauance J of au order granted to tlie undersigned admi nistrator of the estáte of said Patrick Mü ' Mahon, deceased; by the Hon. Judge of Pro' bate for the Oounty of Wasbtenaw, on the Hth J day of November, A. T). 1Ö93, there will be sold ■ at Public Vendue, to the hiirhest bidder, at ' the dwellins house on the premtses below de] scribed, in the township of Sharon, in the county of Washtenaw, in said state, on Wed' nesday, the Third day of January, A. D. ' 1804, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all incumbrances by mortgaire or ' otherwise existin at the time of the death of 1 said decoasert) the following described Real ' Estáte, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the south-east ' quarter of Seotion thirty-four i34) and the north-west qnarter of the south-west quarter ' of Section thirty-üve (3T), all In the township ! of Sharon, Washtenaw County, Michigan. WILLIAM B. OSBOliNE, j Dated, Nov. 14 1893. Administrator. i füSu seminar y. Fine Advantages in Music and Art. A superior school. Number of students llmited, Passender elevator. Steam heat Certifícate admits to University of Michiiran "without examination. upens Sept. t4. tiend for catalogue No. 30 for full particulars. LOUISE B. SAMPSON. Principal, Kalamazoo. lOMS CHEAP i$ï K IhI U 20,000 ACRES of first- I ÍH ■■' class MICHIGAN farro BtI S H lands near railroads, in Alcona, w Alpena and Montmorency coun1 J. ties; soil, rich clayand gravel loamsi -. " :mrdwood timber; well watered by springs ;'..: living streams; near churches, schools and JiveJy lowns. Price, #3 to I5 per acre. Easy tenns. ■S. SPRAGUE. 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit. Mlch 8ISSI k SEABOLT'S BAKERT. GROGEEY AND FLOUR AND FEEO STÖBE, We keep consumí! v on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. yor "WTxolesale or ftetail Trade. We shall also keep a supply oí OSBOR!VE'& GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. XL Swift & Oo.' Best White Wheat Floux, Bye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Ckra Meal, jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock ol aSOOESIES AND PBOVISIONB constantly on hand, which will be solJ on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. t&"Cash p:ud for Botter, Eg(is, and Country Produce grenerallv. ; BBoods Delivered to any part of the city with out extri charee. Rinsoy & SeaboH. ■ Thequíltlntr party and the ! V stage coach are 1 ■ A 01111 T MAfiFl u Tne telophone nnd ■ M (UI LI mHüt!l;ivg Family Qutlting ■ 111 a iimifiA H Machine are modern neIN 3 HQURS. Hcessities. MvQuiltlnRMam '" IIWM"' 11 chine ís a ne and valua■ ble attachmeut for all sering macnines. O? .e hut y (note or 9) can make a quiltin -"hours; alsoquilt children'a cloaks; dressIinings, etc. 6end S.O and I will send you a machine by first express. Agents wanted everywhero. F Tcircukirs and ful! ínformíition eddress tLÏÏNKY T. DAV1S. 30 W. Kandolpk St., Chicago


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