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y The Salt That's AU Salt Isthosaltevery oneshould ose. Theimpnrities in the otber kinds are useleas, of oourse, but dangeroua also. Tbe lime, especially, Is tbe cause of mach kiUney düsease. Diamond Crystal Salt I mach tbe pnrest, and therefore tbo best salt known. Made from tbe best brine, by tbe best procees, wlth tbe best grain, and sold in tbe beet package- au air-tigüt and non-absorbent box. Tbe fact tbat salt is cbeap is do reaeon wby you sbould not bave pure salt. Ask for Diamond Crystal, give it a fair trial. Write us for furtber partlculars. Our Dairy Balt Is the standard of excellence, and no butter maker sbould jd be without it. Address fff DIAMOND CRYSTAL. SALT CO., WHAï SS SETTER THAN' A M' V, BOOK FOR A GÏFT ? NOTHING. : e a few of i ie clioli enne. - a soi-t oi Mjmple. "Giimpses Through Life's Windows." V.y ,J. 1Í. MILI.EH, D. D.-, 7K„ Nt-aily borid In white í JO "A Gift of Uve," C'ompiVed byROSE t'ORTER, M OK lïeautlfully buund In white w'-tJ "The Prince of India," New Bock by GEN. USW WALMCE, O n( 2 vcls., cloth, poatpatd. .. w'' We :irt' prepared to (jilote vei'y low prices on all kindsof books- for tliu Towii Library, Prl.,'tlc Library or books Bultable lor in nay ec.hool OK Snnday school. Wc also have Diaiies for 1W4 and Calendara dl! vaxious designs and prices('all or addrees HUNT & EATON, 189 Woodwud An., - DSTRÖIT, HiCH, ) 9ir?er 4 f t. - C -S _ sj vj 0 m yi5 WILCOXAVE.y ' mn.S Detroit Mich. h--l F.ííucates yotiUff men and women to inaiiitain themselves in indopendence, save inoncy and accuimilate wealtli. Business, Shonhand, Penmanship, Enlish and Mechanica] Draw ing D'-partinents. Thorough system of comitin house actual busiioss. Business Univcrstty Building. lUnitrated C.iuIoruc frcë. W. P. JÜWCLL, Pres't. P. R. SPENCER, Sy üeffliiui n (f. flrsfc iVfc ;.V . öec aiii Weet INSTANT BEUK?, 'nr9 in 14 days. Kever returns. 1 will ét n I U'ouled) CppC to my snirercr nï litfc toenlargo 8ma!l wem. - . A. nre Cttra forEminsione, Lost ï-'- lio :. ' Frvpita DebllIty, Varicocele, eto. Addiara (. B. WKU1HT, Umie Dealer, Box i 389, Marshall, Mich. KOÁL. The best grades of Hard and Soft Coal always in stock. Did you ever use Coke? Good Coke? We have it. Those who have used it pronounced it excellent. Better try scme and be convinced, it is very cheap. M. STAEBLER, 1'hoiK' NO. S. Office 11 W. Washington Street, Lsing Mamma's Qristmas Gift gQ S.t EASY a child can run it So QU'iET it does not wake the baby No DUST ; catches it all SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS CATALOGUS FRKE. If yoor dealer does not Keep the Goshen Sweeper, se:,d ua your orde.. nd we wlll have It filKMl. GOSHEN SWEEPER CO.. Grand Rapids, Mlch. tSi CUbS WHtHt ÍaU f LSE FAS. "Tjf SI Best Couvih öyrup. Taates Oood. Use " Intime. Sola by drugglBta.


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