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The Bargain Pilgrims stream to the ; Modern and Mammoth Mercantile Mecca. Hl ! ■ Ejl Jj r , - _ - _ É! PREE RAILROAQ FARE TO ANO FROl l; DETROIT, mmm, W S -....._J i1 r - - - - li A grand opporiunïty fo vïsit Detroit and sava ycur Múmú fare. 1 i. - - __„-_ p Sil LJ! ,.;.,_ 0 Never in the historj of Detroit commcrce has any cvent proved such a profound and -widesprcaa sensation as the Teat (Üj JPJI Half Milhon Dollar failure sale of fine Eea4y and Tailor Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Goods that arenow ral thrown on the market at 43 ets. on the manufacturers' cost. First the people carne by the score, then by the hundreds, then M j by the thousands and ndw by the ieg-iun, and they come and buy and then come and buy ag-ain, and still c-áin; not onlv this „' H but they send thcir neig-hbors and friends. Thus each parchase means twenty more. Why, even the merchants have cáught ü 'M on. Every day we notice scores of them among the crowds at this' great sale. They may buy reluctantly but certaínly i M hberally. And why not? They fully realize that no wholesaler or manufacturer on carth can sc!l these goods as cheap as [S M they can buy them for at this great Bankrupt Sale. But, base ingratitude! some of these very mercharfts who now sell to !ra Hjjl their customers at an immense profit, the goods bought from us, actually decry and disparage this great Slaughter Sale !n But let us write of something more pleasant. [L LOOK 00T FOR THiS WEEK. IT WiLL BE THE CMING TRIUMPH. jsj The truth is, 465 cases of the very piek, cream and flower of this stock have not been opened until ñow and will be & rl; offered for the first time this week. Remember, this stock was all manufactured for this fall and winter trade and consists of !=! , iiiJ the very fmest lines of clothing and furnishings carried by any merchant in Detroit. The Manager, Mr. McCarthy has been lSj ;:! mstructed by the creditors' committee to guarantee every garment as represented and all goods not satisfactory can be returned Off Remember, when you visit this great sale, you will not be forced to buy but may wander at will throurh the different ÜÖI ML departmenls, examine goods and compare the prices with the list, and if you do not find everything just as represented then M ■fëjfr do not buy. The Manager pledges himself to see that every customer will be kindly and courteously treated whether they 'M jJÜJ buy or not. An extra force of polite salesmen have been engaged this week so that all can be waited'on without delay. " rj] IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THIS STOCK AS SOON AS P033IBLE, A SPECIAL INDÜGÏMENT IS OFFERED jU to parties living at a distance from the City.- Namely, any person af ter making a parchase to the amount of $12.00 will 0 present this paper to the manager, and bis or her car fare will be paid onc way, and to purchasers to the amount of S18 00 ü ! llgyi railroad fare will be paid both ways. ra Here are a few of the many thousands of Bargains that are being offered. Cut out this list and brinir it with you for ra i j's! comparison: L!= , tïï 'S]; 'Ifejl BOTS' A1TÜ OHlJjDEElï'S CLGTHItí& DEPAETM'ÜÏÏT.- Boys' good Men's g-ood pants, 75c, worth $2. Meti's business pants %c worth $3 fiSli ilftji worth $2 00. Boys' doubie-breasted, Cassimere Suits, $1 35, Men's f ancy striped and checked pants iu Fitsbury Worsted' and ComSi ;í former price $4 00. Boys' hcav Overcoats, 95c. worth S2 50. Boys' new ner's, $2 25, dead cheap at 86. lEjj style English Ulsters and Overcoats, all sizes. former price $8 00 to „„__.'___._ ..„ ., ral 'rajj S10 00, for $3 IS. Boys' Pants 21c, worth 50c. Boys' UKNlbUitr GOODS,- Men's socks 4 pairs for 25c. Men's all-wool U ;!=?! Dress Knee Pants, 45c, worth'fl 50. socks, 13c, worth 35c. Men's underwear 29c, worth 50c. Men's scarlet p M MEFS DEPAETMENT--G. A. R. Suits, with full set of pendërs 9c? -Jorth tsc Men's Jy'sttr0 68C5' wothSSo" M M buttons, S7 15, formerly sold for $14, Men's durable plaid checked and Men's g-ood shirts, 25c. Men's fine white 'dress shirts 45c' rail raj mixed Cheviot Suits, former price $12 00, now for $3 65. Men's worth $1. 5,000 f ancy neckties from 5c. to 25c worth from 25c to 75c' n L every day suits, $2 45, worth $7. Men's fine single and doubie-breasted Men's soft and latest style Fedora hats from 39c to $1 25 worth froni ÜÜ ÏÏJ cheviot and cassimere dress RUits, former price $15, now sacrificed $1 to $3, Men's Derby hats, very latest styles f rom 79c to $1 85 former Jm Ira at S6 50. Men's imported English Clay Worsted Suits in Prince Alprice from $1 50 to $3 50. Men's linen collars 5c. Cufïs 9c 500 men's En jL-, berts andcutaways, $9 85, dead cheap at $22. Men's heavy blue cloth eleg-ant satchels and bags closed out at a third their ÖÜ M doubie-breasted suits, $6 75, cheap at 15. Men's good heavy overcoats, value. Men's Rubber Coats, warranted water-proof $145 cheao at RU g full length, $3.25, former price $9. Men's fine Kersey and Melton over$3 50. Men's heavy Pea Jackets and Vests, $2 65 cheap át 6 5000 ■= L-, coats, cassimere lined. deepstylish cut, former price $15, bankrupt price Boys' winter caps from 25c to 45c, worth from 75c to'$l 50 2 000 men's PI M S6 oO. Men's Storm Ulsters, $1 90, former price S4. Men's cassimereailk plush caps, 49c, worth $1 50. 1,000 pairs boys' and men's mittens fflll ra hned Ulsters with high collars, former price $12, now selling for $4 85. and gloves from 2Sc to 50c, formerly aold from 75c to $1 50. ={ 1 ' I Ü Don't forget the Number. 4 MoNROE Avenue, DETROIT. Look for the big Red Flag and Yellow Awning, h 11 I R. P. McCARTHY, Manager for Creditors, !1 Ire ; Hl


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