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.... - - y AT HASMD ! In a dangerous emergeucy, Ai rnt's ChebbI Peotoiíai. is prompt to act and sure to cure. A ilose taken on tlie flrst symptoms I Croup or bronchitis, checks ínrtlier progress of tliese complaints. It softens tha plilegm, sootlies tlie inflamed incnibrane, and induces sleep. As a remedy íor colds, coughs, loss of voice, la grippe, pneiiinoni. and.even oonsumptlon, iu its early stages, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral exeels all similar preparations. lt is en dorsed by leading physiclans, is agreeable to tne taste, does not interfere with digestión, and needs to lie taken usually In small doses. " From repeated tests ín my own family, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias proved itselt a very efiiuient rémedy íor colds, coughs, and lie various disorders of the throat and mngs."- A. W. Bartlett, I'ittsfield, N. H. ■ For the last. 25 years I liave leen taking Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral for lung tronóles, and ani assurcd tiiat its use has Saved Sly Life I liave recommended it to hmidreds. I find {he most effective way of taking this medielne is in small and frequent doses." - T. H. Matthews, V. M., Shennan. Ohio. "My wife suffered from a cold; nothing Öelped her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which tffected a cure."- K. Amero, Plyinpton, N. S. Ayer's Gherry Pectoral Preparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell.llaai, Prompt to act, su re tocurí Uniike tne Dutch Process ÍHo Alkalies Otber Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bato k Go.'s Breakfasi Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan ihree times the strength ■ of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrovrroot or Sugar, and is f ar more econoraical, costing less than oiie cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily IÜCESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Go„ Dorchesfer, Mass. biieï á mm BÁKEBY. 6ÏÏ0GERI ANÏ FLC -O STORE, We keep cojisvdritiy or. hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &.c. For Wholesale or Betail Trade. Wc shall also keep a flupjiJ"? oi GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. U. Svrift & Co.'a Bost WMte Wi'-ftat Floir, Syo Flour, Backwheat Flour, Corn Meal, V led, &c., &c, &c, At Wholes:iie nnd Retail. A general stock o) GEOQESIBS AÏTK PROVISIOFS constant lv on hand, which will lie gola on as reasouublv terms as at any other house x;i the city. B-Cash paid tor Buiter, Kps, and Courrv [TelivertKt to v p.irt oí Ote nty with TviieiiiGrsr Fêmau SEMINARY. Fine Advantages In Musio and Art. A suoerior school. Number of students limited. rasseneer elevatór. Steam hout. ('ortifleatc. ("linii-i to Uniyersity of MlchEtan wtthoul ojiaminatlon. Opena sc!i,t. 14. wend for catalogue No. :ofor full partioulars. LOUISE SAMPSON. Principal, Kalamazoo. f A DUS CHEAP ft K IWl ü 20.000 ACRES of 1. tUH U SI " class MICHIGAN fan 8P PB lands near railroads, in Alcona, ■ H Alpena and Montmorency couaties; soil, rich clay and gravel loams; B hardwood timber; well watered by spring! and living streams; near churches, schools and lively towns. Price, $3 to t per acre. Easy rerms. T. S. SPRAGUE. 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch ÏBOGK l STORASÈ C. E. GODPREY. Ke--iderice ,md Office, 46 Foart'i Ave., Novth Te!eilme 82. P. 'ÍCOTT, DBAJOEU IN LiD9, klM Plate, M&b, Loulsville and Portlai 1 Oemonis. Halr, Buukeye, Mowers umi Binders and Machine Oils. Office and Warerootns in the Finuegan Bloük, Detroit Street. HBBOramOTMBSMGTlipqinltlimpftrtyinHlthe in ■■■■■ m st1(ÍC coah Hre piayedA iiüfl T MflRP3o"L The telephone and IH _ ■■ak Ha Machino aro modern ne IN 3 nOURS Hcc.itlcs. MyQuiltlnftMainiii ■'""■'■ fn chlne Is iv ncw and vakmBKwtlnWBKSBBPiHWIraMll hlp tittachmcnt for all evvingin-u-liiueaTo?1 luoy (notö or 9) can mako a mu ir m ;; hourH; alsoquilt chiklren'H cloaks; dressllnlngJ, (He. Send fü.OO and L will send you a machine ly flrt express. Agents wanted overywhere. V ircirculfirsand full iniorniation address UBNHY T. DAV1S, 30 VV. ltandolph 8t., Chlcaao Plso's Eemedy lor Catarrh Is tho Hl I Best, Easicst to Use, and Cheapcst. Hfl Polü by Drugglata orHi-nt hy mail. H SOc. E. T. Hazeltluc, barren, Pa. HJ


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