
Charles A. Kline was in Owosso this week. Dr. A. Kent Hale has leturned f rom New York. Mrs. Louise Miner, of Chicago, is visiting ia the city. B. St. James and family spend Christmas in Detroit. George Prentiss, of Detroit, has been visiting in the city. Miss Grace Barbour, of Chicago, is visiting the Misses Hill. Cari Harriman leaves today for Keaton, Ohio, to spend Christmas. Miss Maggie Climie, of Adrián, has been visiting friends in the city. F. A. Voorheis was called to Pontiac, Monday, by the death of his father. Miss Duval, of Northampton, Mass, is visiting Mrs. George S. Morris. Miss Emily Richmond, of Detroit has been visiting Miss Mary Vernor. Prof. Ross Cole, of the Conservatory of Music of Ripon college, is in the city. Peter Dignan, Jr., has returned from Jacksonville, Fla., called home by the illness of his father. Edward W. Butler, of Milwaukee, Wis., has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. James L. Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jenkins, Jr., of Jackson, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jenkins. F. N. Wadhams, of Mt. Pleasant, visited his brother, W. W. Wadhams, the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. St. Clair, of St. Joseph, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burchfield. Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner, of the Conservatory of Music of Ripon college is spending the holidays in in the city. Mrs. Lottie Eastman, who has been visiting her nicrther, Mrs. Olivia Hall, left for her home in Chicago, Wednesday. Charles Cassidy, postmaster at Grass Lake, and an old resident of Ann Arbor, was in the city Wednesday shaking hands and renewing old acquaintances.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William G. Burchfield
Olivia Hall