The Money In The Banks
At the close of business on December 19 of this year the banks of this city had deposits amounting to $1,393,194, and their cash on hand amounted to $287,717. It may be interesting to compare this showing with last year. At the time of making their December reports last year the banks had deposits of $i,590,757.67, and cash on hand $302,372.04. This is a falling off of #197,563 011 deposits and $14,655 cash on hand. This shows that the banks now have more cash on hand in proportion to the deposits than they had last year. The falling off in deposits is not larger than the amount taken out of the banks by the visitors to the World's Fairfrom this vicinity. The falling off in deposits has been about 14 per cent, which is not as large as was to have been looked for considenng the times and the closeness with which collections have been made from those who have money. Since May last the deposits in the banks shrunk $114,562, while the cash in the banks has increased $5,007.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News