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Frank Staffan, of Chelsea, killed a 401 po uu d hog. The Germán school in Manchester bas 31 scholars. The deposits in the Dexter Savias -Bank have passed the $75,000 mark. The People's bank, of Manchester had L62,753.54 deposits on December 10. Williarn Burtless, of Manchester, bought 100,000 pounds of wool tuis year. Mrs. James Kelly, of Manchester, feil on an sidewidk lust week and broke her arm. The Christmas market of the Parish Aid 8ociety of St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, netted $90. The Stockbridge Era says that the new furnace in tlie Baptist church at that place is a dandy. ihe Manchester Enterprise saya that a horse, buggy and harneas were sold tliere last week for $3.25. Eev, Washington Gardner has been secured by the G. A. K. post of Stockbridge íor a lecture, Januaiy 22. Tlie annual Christmas festival of 8t. Mary's church, Chelsea, was given o Wednesday eveniug, and was a great success. Dr. Brown, of Stockbridge, has been sick and the Era of that place rises up iajl! timed glee and shouts "physician heal thyself." The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church of Dexter are arranging for a series of popular lectures and entertainments. The annual meeting of the Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company will be held in Manchester tomorrow. The annual election of officersof the Saline Farmers' club occurs at the next meeting at 8. R. Crittenden'8, ïnday, January 12. George M. Wood, of Lodi, the sheep breeder who bas been in Australia left last week for Kansas, vvhere he will make his home. Mis. Philip II Reeves, of Webster died December 3 (i, leaving two sons John Wesley Reeves. of Webster, and Bussel C. Eeeves, of Dexter. Mrs. Rose Biddle died in Ypsilanti Iast Friday evening, of heart trouble aged fifty flve years. She had spent most of her life in Ypsilanti. John Burton, a slater, feil off the root of the Xornial gymnasium at ipsilanti Friday, twenty-four feet to the ground, badly fracturing an ankle. John Wilson, colored. of Ypsilanti was arrested last Thiirsdav shoail ïng an opal and diamond ring and a moonstone ring from Miss Mary Gkrdon, of Ypsilanti. ftev. Eugene Zwinger has resigned the pastorate of the Lutheran church in Bridgewater and has removed to CoDnecticut and Rev. C. Clessler, of Sulphur Springs, Ohio, has aeeepted a cali to the Bridgewater church. Wm. Johnson, of Webster, has stnaslied all previous records for ! in : big pigs, Two weeks ago he sold ! to O,. Jedfele stx spring pigs, Si montha ! old, that weigiied 1(540 pounds, an ! erage of 306 pounds. Can any of vou farmers beat that?- Dexter News " I he balme Masonic lodge has elect ed the following officers: M. A Miller; S. W., John Cook; J. W., A C Coe; Treas., A. C. Clark: Sec, C Ñ How; S. D., II. I). Heller; J. D w' N. Listen Stewards. G. J. Nisslyand FredSuddaby: Tyler, Wm. Brainaid. The editor of the Adrián Press calis Ypsilauti the "Gomorrah of cities " lhe slaudered town is in a fennent and as soon as the Curistmas stuffiag gets out of its people so they can bob round kind o'hvely, theyxe going to Adrián to yank oft the Press man's scalp lock - Grass Lake Xews. Manchester lodge, Xo. 148, F. and A. M., elected the folio wing officers last week: W. M., Mat D. Blosser; S. W., Fred E. Spafard; J. W., Thad B. Bailey; ireasurer, Olarence W. Casesecretary, Ed. E. Root; S. D., Fred E Orttenburger, J. D., Chas. J. Robisonstewards, Fred M. Freeman, Fred II. Blosser; tyler, Seymour Hammond. Meridian Chapter, No. 48, R. A M of Manchester, have elected the followmg officers: H. P., J. H. Kingslev: K., Frank Spafard; S.,B. G. Lovejoy C. of H., F. E. Spafaid; P. S., E fl Conklin: R. A. C, C. VV. Case: M. 3d V., T. B. Bailey; M. 2d V.. F. Ë. Oitten burger; M. lat V., Wilbur ShortIreas., George J. HaeussJer; Sec, C. . -Lwuiwii, oBuuuei, o. narnmon. Mrs. Nancy (Coe) Benham died at the home of her son, íloratio N. Benham, in Ypsilanti, on Sunday, December 17, aged about 7-5 ycars. Deceased was a native of Xew York, and came to Michigan with lier husband, Milo Benham, in 1838, settiing in Ann Arbor towiisliip. In 1867 the family moved to the farm in Ypsilanti township, which hus ever since been their home. The Chelsea tent, K. O. T. M., have elected the followiug officers: Commander, P. J. Lehman: lt. mmmmiH. er, Luke llagan; record keeper, Dr. Ií. II. Avery; flnauce keeper, Edgar Williams; chaplain, Bernard Parker: physician, Dr. K. Greiner; sergeant, A. R. Congdon; master at arms, MiloShaver; Ist master of the guards, James Ackerson; 2d master of the guards, Fred Canfield; sentinel, Jacob Hummel: piek et, George Irvviu. "ïoung Abe': has beeome a resident of Dexter. Abe is a handsome specimen of an eagle, about tvvo-thirds grown, and is the property uf George Higgins. He was caught in a trap by -momas waisn, or vveDster. Ueorge bas not yet decided upon Abe's fafe, but if he is a real good bird and shows due respect for bis surroundings, ha may be giyen the liberty of the park, with comfortable quarteïs in the band stand.- Dexter Ñews. The little child of Andrew Lindenschmidt experienced a somewhat rough treatment, Monday. It was playing on the floor. The ruother, who was busy with lier washing in the kitchen, beard the child scream, and rushea inBlood was running from the child's mouth, and its clothing badlv tered. A button-hook was found by its side, and it is supposed it had been pusbed into the throat Iiook down, then suddenly jerked out, cutting or tearing the throat as it carne.- Saline Observer. There was one reader of the Grass Lake!News to whom the News man didn't wish a Merry Christmas. The reason is thns given in the last issue of ; tlie News: No, ifs like tbis: There's a : s:ick of bones and baflly smolling meat nvor near Muuith whose paper we ! have stopoed, bat who owes this office anght smart subo on back subscrip-l j tioii. and his promises to pay are all shoddy. Noti . we put it squarely rigln here, tliat he must come roiitid an i plank that cash down within easy ïeach of ourgood rightarm, or we'il serve him as Samson did the lion. Fair waming! Jas. G. Raymond died at his home in Sharon on Saturday. Dec. 16, aged about 88 years. He had been aftlicted for two years with a sickness which had confined him to his bed tíontinuously. He was born in Yates county, N. Y., whence he carne to Freedom, Washtenaw county, in 1835, but in 1869 moved to the' farm on which he died. lic was never married. In all the affaira and duties of lile he was noted for his uprightness and strict integrity. He left au aged sister, Miss Jane Raymond, and a brother, B. Raymond, all that now remain of a family of ten children. The funeral occurred Mondar at 2 p. m., Rev. J. II. Mclutosh conducting the religious exeri,ises. The remains were interred in the Sharon cemetery. -