Physician (severely) - I have no hesitation in saying, sir, that your wife's nervous fits are occasioneel by yonr staying out so late every night. Witherby - Great heavens, Moctor, 1 didn't know she was suiïering f rom an incurable disease! - Eschange. Although the French president travels free on the railways during his official tour in France, his secretary calcu-i. lates what it would have cost if paid for at regalar rates, and this sum is handed over to be distributed among the poorest paid of the railway men. Aluminium bas been put into another use. The French couturieres now use the metal in the making of the modern gown. A hoop of aluminium is placed in the bottom of the skirt for the purpose of making it hang well. The question is frequently asked, "Why is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral so much more effective tlïan any other cough remedies?" The answer is, simply because it is the most skillful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical science.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News