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Weak, Nervous And Diseased Men

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ui 7 - ' ■ ■ 1f bot fMV a ■ Ji mm bvb Thonsand of Ymng and Aged Jen are annnally swept to a premature grave m through early ïndiscretion ard later excedes. Self abuee and Constitutional Blood W Distases have ruined and wrecked the lifo of many a promising yonng man. Have you H SS? J1 iollqwing Symptoms: Nervoos and Despondent; Tired in Mornine: Ivo Arnbitrt0: Jttemory Poor; Easïly Pdtigned; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blor; Pimples on ffl tolac; Dnams and Drains at Nighl; Restlees; Haggard Looking; Blofcehes; Bore y Ttffoat; Hair hoose; Pains in Body; Snnken Eyes; Lifoless; Distrtwtfol and Lack of S Eneriry and Ötrengtli. Oor Jftw Melhud Traümmt wiil bmid you ap mentalb, phieically Ce and exually. I KT S BRS. KENNEDY_& KERGAN K.1 B '? &fl " At 14 yeara of age I learned a bad habit wMch almost rnined s W (_Y 1 I became nervous and weak. My back tronbled me. I could ■ v SBW stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and 93 cA i " wá trains at D'eht weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firma, Eleci trÍC Belt8 Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me M [SlsSlJj&S I no help. A f riend advised me to trj Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They aBl-'fejP 6ent me one month's treatment and it cnred me. I coold fee! 2 S myself gaining every day. Their New itethod Treaiment cura when n Curetl in one m'uih o.U else faits." They have cnred many of my friends." Dr. Moulton. I ím m mmAm mm' B . ffli " Sotne 8 years ago I contracted a serions constitntional . blood I wil went to Hot Springs to treat f or syphilis. Mercnry almost I P """üjü 'L'e' Ater a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat s 3=k 'Decame sore pains in limbs, pimples oa face, blotches, eyes red, H T s iJti loss of hair, glands enlarged. etc. A medical friend advieed Drs. L i yêL%y Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have ""v X'gSf' 'iatl no symptoms for five yeara. I am married and happy. As a I 2á"=Tifc doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible clisease - H Carea o yeurougu. syphüis." Itwili eradicate the poison Irom the blood." cd. 5 YEARS 1N DEjpQy I5() 000 CURED i "I am SS years of age, and married. When yonng I led a l ?f0É 1 ftay life. Early indiscretions and later exceeses made tronble ■ for mO ï became weak and nervou.s. My kidneys became 'T ÍW affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lif j was ansatishK T_ vvïl factory and my homo nnhappy. I tried everything- all failed t-ill %fc ' $? bSS I took treatment f rom Drs. Kennedy and Kersan. Their New ___W1 Methol built me np mentaüy, physically and seznally. I feeï ë?iaÈi '"rá act te man 'n 6Tery respect. Try them." ?fc m' No Names Used Without Written #7 Consent of Patiënt. Cnred in time. OlIP Npw Mftthnrl Troatm Ant ?6T6r fails in caring Diseases of men. VJUl IHtJW IVItílllUU I reaimeiH It strengthens the body, stops all drains and losses, pnrifies the blood, clears the brain, builds ap the nervoaa and sexual Systems and restores lost vitality tothe body. ■Wfe Gnarantee to Care BJervon Defilllty, Faiiing Manhood, phllis , varicocele, Htr Icture, Oleet, Unaatural Olscbarsrea, Weak Parts and All Kidnej and Bladder Diseases. Q ï OlM ( ËlÊ D C D Drs" ?ennedT & Kergan are the leading specialista of 11 m IVl I IVI IB I 11 America. They guarantee to cure or no pay. Their repnllblllblIIVhll tation and fifteen years of bnsiness are at stake. You rnn no risk. Write them for an honest opinión, no matter who treated you. It may save you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book Frce. Consultation Free.


Ann Arbor Argus
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