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A Fact For Future Reference

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Either the hard times have no connection at all with federal government or the condition of thepeople is caused more or less by republican legislation. Some political contentions admit doubts. This does not. Democratie legislation cannot in any degree share the effect on the business of the people, since there has been none for three decades. The currency and the tariff are republican. The administration of the treasury, deficit and all, has been republican. The panic began, grew and was doing its work long bef ore the Fourth of March, or even before one presidential election. Wheat went down, money got scarce, faetones were closed, capital took to idleness, and receivers and assignees multiplied under republican legislation. And all this was fully started before anybody kuew what party would control the government during the four years beginning last March. Only a fanatic would charge all the business depression to federal legislation. But, as Congressman Wilson says, bad currency and larifi laws undoubtedly hasten the coming of panics and fearfully aggravate their effects. The Sherman bullion purchases and the McKinley taritf played that part of acceleration and Eg;; ra vat on. The iïrst step tovvard a sound auJ sufficient currency was the repeal of the republican Sherman act. The second will be the repeal of the republican trade restriction McKinley act. The third will be a busines; reorganizaron of the departments. Whatever his opinión of Mr. Cleveland or democratie measures, every citizen's memory should bear through the discussions of the nexl campaign the indisputable fact that everything of evil which is charge able to legislation is to be charged


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News