Bound, Gagged And Robbed
Utica, N. Y., Dec. 25--Sunday morning three men were arrested for the robbery of the farmer, Mathew Miner, who, Satnrday uight with his daughterin-law, was gagged and his house robbed of Si. 900. A policeman saw in the station three suspicious characters and finally arrested them. When taken to the station house they were searched and between 1,900 and 3,000 were found on their persons, most of it in bilis. A mask and a lady's gold watch were also found. They gave their ñames as Michael Callo, Samuel Macarillo and Felffo Melia of New York. Callo, after a little persuasión, confe8sed the crime and implicated his companions.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News