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Fred Graf is visiting in Chicago. W. H. Kutier spent Christmas in Allegan. A. E. Shaw left for Boston on Wednesday. Miss Abbie A. Pond spent Christmas in Flint. Mrs. Eugene EBeal has returned from Alpena. Mrs. D. A. MacLachlan is visiting in Detroit. Miss Belle Turnbull is visiting in Hamilton, Ont. Mrs. D. Rockwell and son spent Christmas in Ithaca. Adolph Kemper, of Chicago, was home over Christmas. Mrs. L. E. Cheever is visiting her mother in Tecumseh. Miss Lillie Condón has returned from Denver, Colorado. S. W. Curtiss has been visiting in Monroe and Big Rapids. Edward Greve, of Grand Rapids, was in the city Christmas. Dewitt C. Fall, of Jackson, spent Christmas with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Lautz spent Christmas in Dexter. Miss Sophie Schmid is visiting her brother in Manchester. Dr. J. A. Weisinger and family spent Christmas in Howell. Hon. Jerome Turner, of Owosso, was in the city last Friday. Paul Schlanderer, of Grand Rapids, is visiting relatives here. Frank Moe, of Detroit, has been visiting his father, Orville Moe. Miss Marie Heiier, of Jackson, is visiting Mrs. John O. Jenkins. Dr. Flemming Carrowwas in Chicago the latter part of last week. Thomas Mingay leaves today for. a visit with his parents in Toronto. Fenton Morton, of Cleveland, is visiting his father, Bernard Morton. Miss Maggie Malloy, of Chicago, is visiting her brother, D. J. Malloy. Rev. Fr. McGovern, of Sandwich college has been visiting Rev. E. D. Kelly. Prof. J. V. Seyler, of Detroit, has been visiting his father, A D. Seyler. Miss Helen Finch, of Ravena, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dabney. Mrs. N. Cochran and children, of Toledo, are visiting at John Moore's. Miss Maggie Wiess, of Jackson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene Oesterlin. Mrs. T. C. Phillips, of Milwaucee is visiting her father, W. W. Whedon. Mrs. Matie Henderson is spending the holidays wtth friends in Cincinnati. Edward Lohr, of Toledo, is at his fathers on Packard street for the holidays. Prof. F. M. Harailton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, has been visiting at Mrs. Conovers. E. H. Hunt, of Grand Rapids, visited his brother, John Hunt, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider, of Grand Rapids, spent Christmas in the city. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Collins, of Detroit, spent Christmas with Sedgwiek Dean. Mrs. E. A. Garfield, of Leslie, has been visiting her brother, Dr. D. M. Tyler. Henry Binder, jr., of Detroit, spent Christmas with his father, Henry Binder. D. B. Cheever, of Chicago, visited his mother, Mrs. L. E. Cheever, this week. Mrs. William G. Fowler and son, of Detroit, is visiting at her fathers, A. D. Seyler. Timothy E. Ryan, of Jackson, spent Christmas with his father and brothers in this city. Harry Osborne, of Petrolia, Ont., has been visiting relatives in the city for a few days. Miss Grace Raffensberger, of the Cincinnati conservatory of music, is home for the holidays. Hon. D. A. Hammond is in Lansing attending a meeting of the state board of education. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Saunders, of Grand Rapids, are visiting Mrs. Saunders' father, Moses Seabolt. D. S. Merkle, of Collins, Col., who has been visiting friends in the city, returned home Wednesday. Misses Dollie and Hetty Krause, of Grand Rapids, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Henry Krause. William Wetmore, of Jonesville, and Fred Wetmore, of Cadillac, have been visiting their father, W. W. Wetmore. Mr. E. Hawkes, principal of the high school at Howell, and family, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Stimson, of West Huron street, for a week. Miss Mary Powers, of Cadillac, is visiting in the city. Mrs. S. W. Merry, of Washing1). C, is visiting her son here. Charles F. Dietas returned Wedj nesday from several days' visit in Detroit and Port Huron. Aid. John O'Mara, who was home for Christmas, has returned to his work at Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry, of Bay City, returned home Wednesday after a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perry. Profs. B. A. Hinsdale, Thos. C. Truebloodand Fred N. Scott have been attending the meeting of the State Teachers' Association in I,ansing.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News