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Wait For Us!

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ST S. ÜVIAIIV ST., AiyiV A.RBOR. You Bever saw, you never heard of and you noay liever again see such a SMOK SAïaE, such a murder of prices as will take place At the Big Chattel Mortgage Sale of 129887.39 anus, m unuks hich we bought at 49 cents on the dollar from the ireditors of the late finn known as the Consolidated Boot and Shoe Co. of Chicago and St. Paul. IhÍGH CLASS SHÓËS Krom the best Concerns in the East, such as E)in C. l?urc of New Vork, Reynolds Bros. of Utica, N. Y.. John Kelly, P. Cox Wm Navlor. Lndlow, (Iray Bro-.., and Drew, Se]by & Co., and ]o;s mora of (Oud niakes but we haven't the space to mention. it was oecided to select a large building in ihe city of Ann Arbor, and sell ile -ntire stock forwhat it wili bring. The building known as J. Laubengetyer Block, OPPOSITE KOCH & HENNES FURNITURE STORE. Has been leased for the purpose ani! all hands nstrucied u offer these High Grade, Made BOOTS, SHOES and KUBBKRS, at Prices that will not mily move this Large Stock qnickly, .bnt wil! Aluce every Family aml even Merchants to lay in their supply. Now Look, Read and Think of These PBIOES. ih'n's Buokle ArtlOB, worth Ladíes' W,i r.ined Shoee Í1.5U, at our store t 9 ! worth íl 7S at our store.... 8 Mens Shoes, worth H.50 and LaiiieV Pebble Coat. worth il. 75, at our store 1 . ïl.üü, at our store 89 Mou's bhoes, worth $1.75 md JLauicV Shoes worth Ü.75, at 2.(K) atourstore 1 lü ourtoie y Mens Cordovan Hhoes, worth Ladirs' Dongola Slioos, wortb K;ind $2.50, at our store 1 :s Í 1.50 and & uu, at our store. . 119 Men s Fine Calf Shoes, worth Ladies' French Donjrola Shoes t2.50aBd fö.26, at onr store.... 1 4H ] w'th Í2 and Í2 60,. at our store 124 Mens Fine Shoes, í:.iX)ainl tS.60 Ladies' Hand eewedSboea w'th ■.,at,oui-Vstore i58 --.'..i and ï!(l". atour store.... 138 Men's Kanifiiroo Shoi-s, worth Ludles' fine hand turaed Sboes, 43.60 and IS.T5. at onr store.... 1 78 wtb t8 5 to M.50 t. oür store.. 198 outh sLaoe Shoes, wortb $) 5ü, Ladies' Freiicb Kid hand t'rn'd atourstore 9H w'ili H.ftii to if:,w. at ourstore 2 22 outh's Fino Button Shoes, I Miases' Siptíu" Heel Shot wortliil 1.75, at our store ) x worth 1.25 at our store 87 1 outh s School Shoes, woith Mwses' Spring Heel Shoes, w'th !.-'.) and Í1. .Hl. at our store. . . 7 l ."ü aml !.;:, il OU' store 1 19 Boys' ISutton Slioes, worth l.5ii (,'hildren's Shoee, slzesSto at and $1.75, at our store 98 I our store 38and4Sc Thousanös of Pairs of Cbildjen's Phoes at 3 mvn Friees. Wait and don't buy one cents worth anywiievt-, Tnis GREAT SLAUGH TER OFSOOTS AND SHOES will begin SAlUJiDAYMORNIJSG ut S O'ClocIk. It will be a WONDER to Dealeis, a surprise to the Public and a benefit to the Poor. It is not otrn such offers aie made, but our orders are to dispose of thenv We will !o it if we have to oive them away. Scrape up all the money you can invest. This ]■ re of tlie chances of a liíe. time. Come t[uick while tbere is a selection. The Big Chattel Mortgage Shoe Sale, 57 S. Main St. Look for Big Signs. For Prices on this Stock Read Daily Newspapers. rY S. MAIN ST., ANN AKBOR. i ü ■ f Ï s Ï ? H a i 1 ï il M l 1 R S 8 s Í % S O s H o


Ann Arbor Argus
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