Mrs. Louise Walker is visiting in Detroit. Miss Hattie Benham spent Sunday in Milari. Mrs. W. F. Warren is visiting in Buffalo, N. Y. Prof. A. H. Pattengill was in Detroit, Saturday. Miss ütillie DeFries has been vis iting in Detroit. Mrs. J. N. Martin is visiting in Lancaster, Ohio. Col. James M. Orr returned Saturday from Ohio. Prof. C. S. Denison has returned from Springfield, Mass. Miss Ethel Thompson entertained her friends, Friday evening. Miss Teckla Frank has returned from a visit in Battle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Reeves were in Detroit over Sunday. Sam Benham is spending a few weeks with his sister in Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kies have returned from their Lansing visit. Miss Gaffney returned to her school in Mt. Pleasant, Friday. Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Rolfe returned from Boston, yesterday. Mrs. Henry S. Dean and daughter have been visiting in Detroit. Prof. and Mrs. George S. Mead spent the holidays in Oberlin, O. Mrs. R. S. Greenwood returned Friday from a visit in Pittsburg, Pa. ,Mrs. Louise Miner and Miss Clara Gott returned to Chicago, yesterday. Mrs. William Condón gave a plèasant library party last Thursday evening. Miss John Beek gave a pleasant party to a number of friends last Friday evening. John Hunt is very low and his brother Edward, in Grand Rapids, has been sent for. George H. Snow, state editor of the Detroit Free Press, visited his aunt, Mrs. W. G. Doty, over Sunday. Prof. John Dewey was absent during the holidays in Boston and Grand Rapids. He returned home Friday.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News