Marriages In 1893
Th ere were 378 marriage licenses issued in the county clerk's office, during the year 1893. That the hard times did not result in a markeddiminution of marriages is shown by the fact that there were five more marriages in this county in 1893 than there were in 1892. The oldest couple to marry were aged 75 and 65, and the youngest couple were 18 and 16. The greatest difference in ages was 25 years, a man of 70 marrying a woman of 45. Both had been married twice before. The oldest man to marry was 75 and the oldest woman 65. The oldest bachelor to marry was 61 and the oldest maid was 53. The oldest bachelor married a maiden lady of 51. The youngest boy to marry was 18 and the youngest girl 16. The youngest widow toj marry again was 22 years old and the youngest widower was 23 years old. The favorite marrying age among the ladies seenis to be 20 and among the men 24, as the following list shows. The number of 'ladies married at the various ages were as follows: at sixteen, 7; seventeen, 7; eighteen, 22; nineteen, 34; twenty, 43; twenty-one, 40; twentytwo, 32; twenty-three, 33; twentyfour, 34; twenty-five, 19; twenty-six; 21; twenty-seven, 5; twenty-eight, 6; twenty-nine, 8; thirtj 8; thirty-one, 6; thirty-two, 8; thirty-three, 4; tairty-four, 4; thirty-five 1; six, 5; thirty-seven, 3; thirty-eight, 2; thirty-nine, 2; f rom forty to forty-five, 11; f rom forty-five to fifty, 7; over fifty, 5. The men were niarried at the following ages: eighteen, 1; nineteen, 4; twenty, 8; twenty-one, 31; twenty-two, 26; twentythree, 28; twenty-four, 45; twenty-five, 22; twenty-six, 21; twenty-seven, 33; twenty-eight, 20; twenty-nine, 15; thirty, 15; thirtyone, 18; thirty-two, 15; thirty-three, 1; thirty-four, 8; thirty-five to forty, 21; forty-one to forty-five, 14; fortysix to fifty, 7; fifty-one to sixty, 10; sixty to seventy, 5; seventy and over, 3.
Ann Arbor Argus
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