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urnished by the Washtenaw Abstract Company. Oflice vit!h Connty Clerk ut Court House. KOU THE WEEK ENDINci .IAN. 20. Lewis II. Millerto Wm. H. Bishop, 10 acres oiï north end of west half of s w i of sec. 22, Augusta, $500. Wm. H. and II. s. Platt to Ettn II. Johnson, w ■'. of the n w 1 of sec. 36, Pittsflèld, $4,200. Henry Schuit, to Richard McQuellan, s ! 'of n e i, sec. 19, Dexter, $3,200. Jas. II. Walhiceto Win. B. Clark, undivided i of 20x112 ft, of lot 84, Ypsllanti city, $1,500. DeborahG Hoagto John E. MeGill, lots 86 and :!7 in block 2, Chelsea. $1,200. Richard McQuellan to Henry Schuit., 156 acres on sec. IC, Dexter, $7.000. John C. Goodrieh to Jonathan I). Curry, lot 47ï. Park Ridge subdivisión. Ypsilanti city, $45AK). Elizabetb Zahn to John George Kin.. (2 acres on secs. 28 and 2'i. Lodi, $8,100. Alvah Hudson to Robert Jolmson, 7 acres on sec. 23, Lyndon, beiijg a sinall island, $22"). Jevemiah Gaines to Elizabeth Merchant, 4x10 rods on Adams' and Cathenne streets, Ypsilanti city, $400. Benjamin II. Glenn to Ed.W. Daniels, 175 acres on section 17, Dexter, $6,280. K. D. Perrv to T. F. and E. Rush, 100 acres on section 2, Lodi. $4,250.