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Mack & Schmid's Great Tariff Reform Bill

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Garpets9 Lineii Goods, Blankets, Draperies, Hosiery and Notions. SECTION 1. ' SECTION 7. SECTION 11. FRjlïV) OiöHliy CA C LADIES MUSLIN HOSIERY. r'A " wh llLÍríS;?OJ OH . (_ II IN ÏOl tilt t_i 1 JV W I (■"■vNsvfv1 The JJiggest Job ever known in Ribbons. The big rush "we had &M0SÊgBBBSMI0BBÈa ' Our rapidly .ilíSS PlPtlïïir Faultless Black. W A - two years ago when we had to close our doors vvill be no comparison # f growingtrade in H !r lll!; Oll(. sneci-il rot Onw t üiüpV k Í1 tothis. I I tlus Department mH ! .: Hose, in value 35c. go down to 24c. jM Lk ttffku These are all Silk Ribbons and best colors- the very choicest of JLncouraged us ,; Jjfg j Ladies' Onyx Fleeced Hose 26c. ïmÈÊÈkM!ÊÊÊÊ3„ that can be bouglit. I ; to make ;Wf?wSffiÍfWk Jüg Lot Ladies' Heavy Cottou .PcJlï1& Thev are in two numbers, Ku. 7 and 9, and will be sóid at 1 I chases on a scale UiliL1: i Mm1ö Fast Black lose, now at löc. ÊÈÈwEÊmLTAWÊÊË - _4 not hereiofore fe ËS1 : I I Misses' Hibbed Hose absolutely -ysNlWPiWkyP ln A "V AT?Ti ■ ii i i í ti i Lib ; I 1 Fast Black, now at löc. 7i rinTMBriÉ'nlTT feEK?-5=S5i==B5J i w R ■ i " l, jf Lstdies Lisie Hose, 15hick, Pink -af PMPVfVMM"-lfe - - fegsggffiggs=ssil ineans ] %é-_MS j ■ - JLtaiNÊi l{e( Blue, Green, rellow, Slates g HOib'iWffl v dTFPTTO'M Q w ■ -. pondingly low PIPy andRussetsatóOc. "É ''lSákAsM ♦ W DP.ESS TRIMMING, 2c a yard. L-- p -- ! ,n, 0M ; 1 "iKiX-i tóS'SLáfe We will sell a big lot of Dress Trinimíngs in Gimps and Braids, ot"er great reauctions. ' Men's Heavy Cotton Hose, 5c. ÉSÏÏrSi? Black and colors, in value 10c to 25c, all at 2c. QT?rT'TrHVT Q Men's Heavy CashmereHoge,12Jc. W' WW WSF Akt. 3.- KNIT HOODS. Au assortment of Children's Hoods OlllUiXVJIM O. Men's Fine Caahinere Hose, Black t% WW f mil flans worth 25c to 50c for O- each JLINEN DEPAlvTIMI- t . ■, T .. T„ ' f m. v , ana vaps, woriu . iu jvl il-i -543 OBtUl Intants Black Cashniere flose, A- mat 4. Art. 4-. - 20 Elegant White Hoods for Children, worth 1.00 to 4-4 Fruit of the Loom 7 J, 4-4 Lonsdale Muslin, 7ic. 9-4 Heavy Sheeting. Silk Heel and Toe. 5c. O K A " i '..AA ii rik POfli 14Jc. 75 Pieces Table Linen, none in value less than 65c and 75c will be sold " 2.0U tor 4.Pp eaul' „.',.,. 1 , , for 39c. 15 Pieces Table Linen in value 75c to $1.00 vvill be sold for ()c. 5 QT7'rernTTVT -ir Abt. 5. - Children s Sük Hoods, white and colors, 25c. Pieces Fast Color Turkey Ked Table Damask, 30c value for 19c. 5 Doz. all J-'v JL J.vJi xJw. AET. sXohndX: ug Ho.., Lwc. r00 Dozen Best Isc Huck Towels, ,7c. uSlti t &tfcí LS% 100 Pieces all Linen Crasíi, 4íc. 50. Pieces Best 12ic Crash for 9c. 1 Case ., . k„ i.:nfi _nw BPii:nS tn a A at a na"aKeicl'iers' Oí-rrmT-NTVT O Bates Quilts reduced f rom $1.2-5 to 98. 1 Case Lancaster Quilts reduced from tlie loc Klna' now selling toi 8c. 05 doz. Ladies tine Luien CamoliiiJ X jLJ JN O. $1.00 to 85c. 15 Pieces Ticking, Extra Heavy Feather Proof, reduced from 18c bnc Handkerchiefs, Embroidered and Hemstited the 25c grade now tol2c. 20 Pieces Fancy Ticking 10 assorted styles reduced from 15c to 10. selling for 19c. 50 doz. Ladies' Fine Hemstitched and Embroidered S-+S - T- f - I . II I If-i 100 Pieces regular 15c Silesea reduced to 9c. 50 Pieces regular 15c Canvass u ,V , . ,. , , , aulCB rl" neinbiircneu ana n,inoroiaereu GORbEJlb. reduced to 9c Handkerchiefs reduced from 50c to 38c. : ■ . , W o„ö . -_- ' EMPROÍPERY. r Yfedic is i '- - i7 BOS5fïftcéJ 7'W;fe We shall open this week an Extraordi3) Fjp oCLt '■ i . xif1 TO TRADL_4LT w narj Purchase of Embroidery in Hamburg, töKk I lirrMTC 'AÜRWTrÖ - T_ f e sKat oP flv---''' Cambric and Swiss. This will give vou ?]BU AljbJNlb. 1 ft'WSSt JtSffSp a fine selectisn in all grades and widths "fe Equipoise Waists. (SP te S4 l toJrtto pay PEC.-MOO WWmHer Majesty Corset, #feï PJR SIM Ö&ggSi Exnbroidery, 50 Different styles, and áZJjt the very best made -lT widths, worth 20 and 25c. will be sold Hfaitu Warnerv - ; ! ItéS oARPiara. Sb IS H Kb Dr. Schilling. g=j$r-j 'X'g'' 8i6_6ARPET' PLy Lowells & Bigelow Brussels, Smith 's "" H " ""B Thomnsori's filnvp -- =aJÊt il .SfÊ JjS B Lowell's Extra lleavy 2 ply Inprain, stand for T, . ., lnompsons trlove -- jafiÊL] J-J- tYJTf12 the best Carpets known to the World. Tjp the mountain's steep ascent 1 itting. -_ yáJS J É" Read our New Tariñ Priees. -Over lakes and streams - In the . ==-=__ - nl "Í11 -r itf"[W' ï VÍ == zZ -- - l- - Lowell's & Bigelow Body Brussels, sold toparlor entertaining- In the ball Pertection V aist. =rf -==rVv iWlV l r" --__ = day everywhere for 81.3-5, our price now $1.10. „, f„„i„ „i;,ij„„ Ai„„vcm ?--. j o -= - _ AvjCrV'f' Lü-X 1 _ - --'. - -n- - ï=i=--_ 5 ïrame Body Brussels, sold everywhere at room freely gilding - Always Ferns' Good Sense. t=rr=::sd ===- qJ=T j I' " $1.25, our priceuow $1.00. fortable, always stylish, always ■■''. =g raU f=? Y ó " - 5:==--' jSmith Moquette Carnets worth $1.25, how rraceful- And the same Equipolse Jackson iavonte ZEZIi==È (Wm I JL I PSMHyF0- =:zZ. sold at $100. WalSt is worn everywhere- Made Waist, = ====B j W-fV fS n A& rLJ"DRL55 - --r_ I_SlII- 10 Wire Tapostry Brussels sold everywhere byGeorgeFrostCo., Boston. And many others. f # Wps pT. -- ' 10 Wire TapVstry Brussels, sold everywhere . . . -_, -- Sx_i- .r-. .. ! at 75c and 80c. ncw price -5óc. ■ f lf3- - = raliKn - _- - - - - Bromleys 3 ply Agra Weave Ingrain, sold CS"Cnn"'TíHkTVT A I W I Dlllilf-ss - m_ f.or $1.00, newpriceSo. oHiU X xUJN Tt. I _ _-=:rfr::r KM Mp . 2o Pieces Ingrain Carpet, sold for 75c, new . ihm . b. m m m aem. ■■!- nw ft í Ï , 20 Pieces Extra Super all Wool Ingrain, Ol Bar jT 5l "u. Criara is? T i " " sold for 70c' new price 49c' Íta#fflafiBÍl V" i W%, I %& or.nmTni.T o I CHINA MATTING. 25 Rolls China Matting sold for 35e. now reducedto 22c. JjjVj X iU JN y. 2r RolIs nina Matting. White and Faney, sold for 50c, new price 30c. ,■ _ . ... 10 Pieces Plain Colored Matting, best. 5Öc quality, new price 28c. 25 dozen Men s Uulaundried blurts, worth 35c, win be sold at . . 19c. 100 dozen Men's ünlaundried Shirts, pure 22 hundred unen I-SYj AIXTffCPl1!.! S"RPTTO"NT 14bosorn Wamsutta Cloth, reinforced front aqd back - as good a shirt DrivAlvli l. as money can buy - lowest price 75c everywhere, will be sold at 48c. 85 Pair White and Colored Blankets reduced from 90c to 59. 33 Pair White T- H r3 O ÏZ5 F IZ T Fí CT 10 dozen "Faultiess" Fancy Night Shirts, ether dealers sell for 75c, KeW T UC O , f1 7T ' now 50c. 5 dozen "Faultless" Fancy Night Shirts, silk embroidered Pair Blankets sold for $3.75, redneed to $2.45. 7 Pair Blankets sold for $4 00, 15 pairs Lyons bilk Portieres, sold tor gb.OO, now $é.5O. front $1.25 in valué, $1.00. 50 dozen Meu's Pure Linen Collars, 4reduced to $2.75. 14 Pair Blankets sold for $5 00 reduced to $3 92. 5 Pair 5 pairs Lyons Silk Portieres, sold for L8.00, new price $6.00. , Tí i 1. vi on 1 1 i. a Blankets sold tor $6.00, reduced to $4.17. 4 Pair Blankets sold tor $7.oO reduced e L; 1 .„„ SilV Rrfon-s cnlH 19 Of nw rvrio Q M ply, all styfes, worth 20c, to be sold at 9c. to $.5 40. 7 pair Blankets sold for $9.00, reduced to S6.39. 5 Pairs LJons bllk L Oltieies. sold tül íl-00, new pnce $9.50. 5 pairs Lyons Silk Portieres, sold for $22.00, new price #16.50. - : ' ; ' ■ 25 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for $3.75, new price $2.85. T-ErriT--VTT t 10 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for ?6.00, new price $4.50. H! SKCTIOri 5. SECTION 10. 10 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for $7.00, new price $5.50. bmFjÍ I 1 fí nF R AF MR Pa'''8 Chenille Portieres, sold for $10.00, new price $7.00. IsP'.?} LJJNLJnLrv YY I_-r.. ï jPI B Va & T 15 pairs Oriental Portieres, sold for $15.00, new price $10.00. f 5 AU OU1' Vpsilanti Underwear -] off. C]l I' jl W lüfe ( sÊÈ) 25 Pairs S('ott'!l Portieres, sold for $5.00, new price $2.85. jL All our Dr. Lewis Underwear off. wlto'!' W hmb% ííP%5 All our Dr. Loeb's Underwear f off. SECTION 15 m Ladies' and Men's Fine Camel's Háir f off. y Foster's Ladies' Black Kid ■ y Vests and Pants sold at $1.75, reducedto $1.32. fvk V 1, Gloves, size 5f and 6, reduced LACiS CUKTAINS. Extra Fine White all wool Underwear, Ladies' (VlVuLS(rNfrom $1.25 to 75c. . . . ■ and Me's' -'50 value reduced t0 Wy Asters Ladies' Kid Gloves, 50 pair. Lace Curtains, sok or $ 1.00, new pnce 6c Fine White all wool Underwear, Ladies' and size 5 and 6, reduced from f V Lace Cur ains, sold or J1.65, new pnce , $1.00. linilll Men's, $1.50 value, reducedto 76c. „iph L. fE.e $1.50 to $1.19. 25 pa rs Lace Curtains, sod for $3.00, now $2.25 ■■ Extra Fine natural wool Underwear, Ladies' SCBD GLOVES Ladies' Tan Biaritz Glovee, 25 pairs Lace Cur ains, so d for $3 00, new pnce ,2.85 nBlIiln and Men' -35 val"G' lieduced t0 Í1-02. witHImprOTedHooksThichTvUlnotcata Crearn and Tan 39c. 20 Pa!ra LacG Curtains, so d or $2.25, new pnce $1 50. rHlID i) Ladies' 'l11 W001 NatuiaI Color Ulli011 Suits' ::i laCe' WCar Ut8leeVe Untog8 r a"Ci" Wertheimer's Biaritz Gloves 5 pairs Lace Cur ains, sok tor $3.50, new price $2.50. LHIHIIIF $2 00 value reduced to SI 50 dentallyanfasten. WehaTethreeqnaUties j ü th N s Shades, 10 Pa rs Lace Curtains, sold tor $4.00, new pnce $2.95. B I Í Vf 2' tt a . i n f f these gloTes, the ürst being stamped . ' ' 14 pairs Lace Curtains, sold for $0.00, new price $4.83. WÊÊÊ w r w l ??t LnderWear' alwayS Sel1 fO1 " Poster the second-rowler aud íhc W. , „ , whíte , 9 pairs Lace Curtains, sold for $8.00, new price $6.39. llllii Un?-ïhi?] u i i , r t, ttol"ra-" roTedSilfMitisforEvenin 11 pairs Lace Curtains, sold for $10.00, new price $6.85. IIIII Y M r A underwear, including the pR UST Co lo ed M tt Jor Even ng P , P mw ■inHIi Ypsilanti and Lewis Union Suits, off regular w. vn„inr Fnír -1 uU incnes long, öc anü f . ,,,,.., , ■ . #K AA o rr HlBfll Wii-am. lomer. losier. ((() 12 pairs Insh Pointe Curtains, sold tor $5.00, new price póAi. ■KKHffiffii 6 Hwoks, $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 u,,,,,. RnlsiV S;it 15 pairs Irish Pointe Curtains, sold for $0. 50, new price $4.93. 111 ' 7 " 125 175 CMnv Vní, Y)i llo 9 pair Irish Pointe Cnrtains, sold for Í8.50, nèw prico Í6.6T f SECTION 6. 1Q JJZ 2'7 Ss'BilfGauntlet lp-B Irish Pointe Curtains, sold for $100, nL price $7.29. 1HS fcvery Pa"" warrantcd. Gloves 75c 8 Pail8 Irish Pointe Curtains, sold for $12.00, new price, $8.19. ISaWl&O SlLS lJMpi{ELLAS. Ladies, Black and Colered Taffeta Gauntlet Gloves, 45c. 10Pairs Irish Pointe Curtains, sold for $15.00, new price Í 11. 47. UP Bought in a big Job, bought for Cash. Ladies' Black Cashraere Gauntlet Gloves, 40c. 5 P!eces gotting ham Lace, a job worth 25c a yard for 9c. - Bought in great quantities, give us an advantLadies' Black Cashmere Gloves, Onyx Dye, 40c. pieces Nottingham Lace a job 25c, for 15c. age in price must revert to your benefit Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, Pure Dye, 25c. 25 dozen Chenille lable Covers reduced from $2.00 to $1.60. 1500 Extra Quality Silk Serge 26 inch umbrellas, solid handle Ladies' Taffeta Silk Mittens, Fleece-lined, 25c. Q TTTrflTTlT 1 O. Accasia Wood, cannot be duplicated for less than $2.50, now $1.45. Mens' all Wool Heavy Fulled Mitts, 10c. OÜiU A J-vJINJ lD. 425 Extra Quality Silk Serge 26 inch Rustic handle, all one Men's Leather Mittens, 20c. i cipjpc:' AR A PPFR price in value $2.00, now $1.35. i 5 Dozen Miases all Wool Mitts, reduced from 25c to 9c. L-nuit-O Y Ynnrr L_.rO 750, Bateen French Cambric Alpaca and fine Serge Umbrellas Infants Fine Wool Mitts, White, Pink, Blue, Black and We have ]Ust opened a large me or Ladies Cotton WrpPer8 in a large variety of Styles for less than can be had elsewhere. Brown, at 9c. Oahco, Gingham and Flannelette Cloth at $1.00 and up.


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