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R M. Sperry, of Detroit, was in , silanü last Saturday and Sunday. Mayor Seovill vveiít to Cleveland on business, laat Saturday. Rev. il. M. Goodwin addressed the ' Y. M. C. A. last Sunday. j " John Jenks, of Cleveland, visitad ! his sister, Mrs. P. K. Cleary, last ! day. , ; Mis3 Lottie Doyle attended the 1 L ity baü at Anti Arbor, Tuesday j f ing. ) Miss Genevieve Hopewell, of Ham ilton street, has been very iil the pust ] week. . The Ladies" Aid Society gave a supper at the M. E. churcfi, VVednesday evening. Au infant son of Mr. and Mrs Richard Johnson died of pneumonía, ( day evewing. The ladies of 8t. Luke's gave a pancake supper at tlie Parish house ! . day eveniug. Hon. E. P. Allen addressed the ! dents' Christian Associatiou of the ! S'oimal last Suuday. Mrs. II. H. Hollace, of Hancock, was in Ypsilanti the past week, 1 ing her daughter, Ella, of the Mortual. Mrs. E. M. Daniels returned Tuesday f rom a three weeks: stuf itt Three Rivera. She was summoned tuere 011 1 account of the sickness oli her sister. The Ypsilanti colored minstrels, under the new tole of "The Twin Island Social Club," will give another performance at Benevolent hall Thursday evening. Sunday was Christian Endeavor day at the Fresbyterianchurch. Addresses were made by Rev's Smits and Morey; t'rof. Boone, Mr. Stevens and Mrs. Densmore. The Jessie Canthani company of i tevtainers played to a large audience at Normal hall, Saturday evening. The entertainment was not really as good as was expected by the majority of those in attendauce. The Cleary Business College boys gave a delightful party at the Liglit I Guard hall last Friday night. The music was furnished by Fiuney's orchestra, and there were about forty couyles in attendance. A very pleasant time was had by all present. The Normal Lyceum Public was attended by a small audience, The program consisted of a debate and several orations and readings. The Chequamegon orchestra, of Ann Arbor, planed three selections and Miss Farnham sang a solo, which was highly appreciated. The charity concert given at Cleary hall, Monday evening, under the direction of Prof. F. H. Pease, was not as well attended as it should have been, cousidermg the object of the concert. It was a decided success from an artistic point of view, butnetted only about $70 for the poor of the city. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cleary Business College, ,;':l Monday evening at the college, the following offlcers and directors w(iie elected: President, P. E. Cleary; vice-presidënt, W. H.S.weet; sec'y and treas.,D! W. Springer; E. P. Goodricli, and Isaac D. Smead, of Toledo, Ohio. A crowd of Ypsilanti's young society people, consisting of the foltowing named persons, went to Ann Arbor, Monday evening, to attend Miss Foster's dancing elass: John Comstock, Clara Taylor, Bert Fergusou, Miss Reed, George Marseland, Miss Minnie Reed, Charles O'Connor, Miss Gleason, Fred George, Marna Sanders, Will Maes, Jeanie McNicol. For neatness and despatch in arranging for parties, and enjoyable entertainments Ypsilanti young people take the cake. On Tuesday evening it entered some ones' mind that Lent was close at hand and wishing to have just one more party, they accordingly got together and in about an hour had arrangtid for a party at Sampson's hall that same evening. There were 20 couples in attendance and all present voted it one of the most delighlf ui little parties they have had for the season.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News