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We have a protective tariff in the Unite...

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We have a protective tariff in the United States, the nation has increased in numbers and become rich and prosperous - therefore this prosperity resülts from protection. - Republican view. Boodle charges have been pre-' ferredagainst Governor Lewelling,of Kansas. He is accused of receiving $5000 a month for giving his official sanction to policy shops and gambling houses in Kansas City. It should be remembered to the lasting credit of the democratie members of the House of Representatives from Ohio and Texas, that no votes were lost from these states on account of the free wool clause of the tariff bill. The bounties of God in nature, human industry and perseverance and the desire of men to better their condition and advance in the scale of civilization have made us great and prosperous in spite of protection.- - Democratie view. John D. Rockfeller has purchased all the iron mines in the Upper Península for which be is said to have paid several millions of dollars. He has also purchased the most important mine in Cuba. It is very evident that he has no fears of disasterous results to the iron interests from the putting of iron ore on the free list. With the return of business prosperity, evidences of which are abundant in all parts of the country, many repubhean prophets and calamity howlers will find themselves without a vocation. To 30 low a condition has the party of great moral ideas fallen that it views with dread the return of business prosperity. By all means let us have an in. vestigation of the canvass of the votes on the constitutional amendment increasing the Governer's salary. In view of the temper of the people on the question of an increase of salaries as shown by the vote on the recent amendments, itis extremely probable that they voted the same way on the amendment of 1889. Dunn's Review says that a fresh impulse has been given to trade by the success of the Treasury in obtaining gold for its reserve, thus strengthening confidence in its ability to maintain gold payments. It also says that a larger amount of commercial paper appeared in the market last week than has been seen before for a long time, thus proving that business confidence is returning. The erstwhile disbarred pension attorney, now Gov. Jackson of the great state of Iowa, advocates "Consumption of American Products by Americans." This can be done by placing a large part of our population in almshouses and other public institutions, thereby reducing the number of producers and increasing the number of consumers. Let the great and wise Gov. Jackson try this scheme in his state and if it proves to be successful, it will undoubtedly be tried elsewhere. The great majority of laborers in the coal regions of the United States are foreigners of a low type, brought here bythe protected coal barons to take the place of the more intelligent and consequently higher priced American labor which they crowded out. The lower wages paid these people enabled the mine owners to realize larger profits on their product. The principie of the thing .-carried no weight. The rioting and destruction of property and life in which this element is always most ready to indulge seems to be, therefore, in the nature of retribution. While the Wilson bilí is not entirely satisfactdry to many tariff reformers who would have been better pleased with a more radical measure, the insertion of the income tax feature goes a long way toward making up for what the bill lacks in other directions. The income tax is a long step forward in the direction of scientific and equitable taxation. It is an extremely popular measure i in the West and South and can be said to be unpopular only among the untaxed bond holders of the East. By all means let the income tax feature of the tariff bill be retained. An objection that is constantly being raised against the proposition to tax incomes is that it is a war tax. Yery well, use the proceeds of this tax in meeting the war expenses of this government. Our pension system costs more than the great standing army of any of the continental countries of Europe. Those who are responsible for these war expenditures should not object to war taxes with which to meet them. Let these pensions be paid from a tax on the colossal fortunes which_ have been made from the immense profits on tariff protected articles. Senator Voorhees, chairman of the finance committee of the Senate has caused a statement to be published to the effect that no hearings will be given on the tariff bill. He says that prompt and speedy action on the bill is required at this time by every patriotic and business consideration, and that the committee is determined that the bnsiness men of the country of all classes shall at an early day have a full and clear insight into the laws of tariff taxation, which shall hereafter prevail. This is as it should be. There is no good purpose to be served by these hearings, and needless delay at this time is dangerous. There are 90,000 people in the Hawaiian Islands, of which number less than 2000 are Americans. These 2000 whites own 74 per cent. of the wealth, the natives owning less than four-fifths of one per ce'nt. of it. These few whites have overthrown the native government, with the assistance of the U. S. Minister, and are about to set up a constitutional government with a property qualification for vöting. And the acts of this little coteri of usurpers are applauded by the party of great moral ideas, which has always passed as the especial champions of the rights of the negro race. It is very generally supposed that there is a provisión of law requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to hold $100,000,000 in gold as a reserve fund for the redemption of greenbacks. This is not the case, however, as there is no act of Congress requiring the Secretary to carry any specific sum. The whole matter is left to his discretion. The resumption act authorizes the secretary to use any money not otherwise appropriated, and to borrow to the extent necessary, to carry the resumption act into effect. It has generally been thought, however, that resumption could not be maintained on a much less sum, but there is no law on the point. Last Tuesday Gov. Rich, tiringof delay, cited Secretary of State Jochim, State Treasurer Hambitzer and Commissioner of the Land Office Berry before him for a decisión as to the course they intended to pursue in the matter of the salaries scandal. No agreement being reached, he later in the day caused charges for gross neglect of duty to be filed against them. These charges were served upon each of the above named officials, and they were commanded to appear before the governor at the executive office on February 15, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and answer to the charges, and show cause why they should not be removed for gross neglect of duty. It is understood that the three officials are prepared to fight. One-third of all the farmers in the ( United States today are tenants, ing no farms belonging to some j i ane else. Two-thirds of all other I people occupying homes live in 1 rented houses. One hnndred j; land 'men own one-half of all the 1 wealth of the nation, and of thfs i number about five thousand are I lionaires, owning all the way from i one to one hundred and fifty j lions each. In 1850 Webster said, 1 that five-sixths of all the prosperity ] of the North belonged to the workingmen. What a change of conditions from that day to the present. Herein are shown some of the legitímate erfects of protection upon the distribution of wealth. It ahvajs operates in the same way, taking money from the men by whose industry it was made and placing it in the possession of those who did not make it. It is a public tax for private benefit. The following words from the great speech of Hon. Wm. L. Wilson, in closing the debate on the tariff bill in the House of Representatives, are commended to the thoughtful consideration of all Argus readers: "I agree'with the gentleman from Maine (Mr. Reed) that the question of general welfare and 1 the question of wages of the i ingmen are after all the vital questions in this controversy. We are trying an experiment whether, 'in God's name, we can establish al country where every man born into it will be born with the possibility that he can raise himself to a degree of ease and comfort and not be compelled to live a life of degrading toil for the mere necessities of existence. That is the feeling which animates all who through danger and defeat have steadily labored for tariff retorm. We wish to make this a country where no man shall be taxed for the private benefit of another; but where all the blessings of free government, of education, of theinfluences of the church and of the school shall be the common, untaxed heritage of all the people, adding to the comfort of all, adding to the culture of all and adding to the happiness of all."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News