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Mr. and Mrs. Gieger, of Worden, have a new daughter. The Wilcox and Suackletou iloiuïng milis of Plymouth are doing a large business. Good. On Feb. öth, at Chelsea occurred the ïeathof Mis. Adam Eplër. Mrs. E. was 28 yeara of age. Becker Pratt, of Sylvan, is having the 40 acres of timber west of J. Keen's place made into wood. Farmers ibout Plymoutb have been hauling a large nutnber oL saw logs to the two steam milis tbere. On Feb. 6th occurred the marriage of Mr. ilarold Gage and Miss Mary Agnes Conway, both of Sylvan. Kev . Fr. Conway offlciated The Engineering News of New York ïiives in its last issue a fine cut and sketch of County Surveyor Woodard, of Washtenaw county. David Woodard, of Clinton, is hauling ashes apon his fruit farm. He hopes it will aid in securing a good erop the coming season. Mrs. Rosenkrans died at the home of lier son, H. H. Rosenkrans, of Water]oo, on February 5. Slie was 80 years of age and highly respected. PJymouth has ari indebtedness of $30,000 in 20-year bonds, drawing ü percent, interest. This debt was incurred in constructiug water works. Rumors from riymouth are to the effect that Chauncey E. Baker is to be appointed postmaster there uüon the recommendation of Congressrnan Gorman. Chas. H. Leonard, of Ann Arbor, sind Miss Mary McCabe, of Chelsea, faad the matrimonial yoke placed upon their necks Feb. (i. Rev. Fr Consi■dine did the yoking. A new cigar flrm was recently organized at Plymouth onder the firm name of Kellogg & Wilcox. They have airead? built up a good trade and it is constantly being increased. J.B. Hause, of Clinton, expects to become an honest tiller of the soil the eoining season, having rented twenty ;icre,s of ijround just east of Clinton belonging to Mrs. Jenuie Brown. The Busy Fairies of Grass Lake, iield a meeting at Mrs. Ilenry Ilobert's, recently, and are said to have períormed a heap of hard manual labor. never supposed the work of fairies was hard. The Wayne Pilot reads the merchants of "that burg a mild curtain lecture, because they advertise on the ew opera house drop curtain and not to the extent he desires in the Pilot. Serves thetu right. The township of Cantón is already talking up a slate for the approaching townsisip election. The IJemocrats ïilJ probably head their ticket with the name of Ilenry Ilorner for supervisor. He 's a good one. A partnership between A. Black and Wm. Barrow. of Plymouth, has ijeeu arranged whereby they will manBfMcture boots and shoes and da a genti.i repair business. Their headquar ters are in the Uodge block. The Bridgewater milis have passed ïnto the control of Bréese Bros. They are "hustlers" and will undoubtedly d( a good business. They will griixd feed for both man and beast, and farmers ■will be able to exchange wheat for flour. Mr. Craig, of South Lyon, is remodeling his flour mili and putting in many improvements. He expects to have one of the finest milis in the county whenbe his through. He also knows iww to manufacture the finest fiour in ■tíhe market The mili will probably be ready to start next Monday. The average waist of a woman, a oman's journal asserts, has increased from 15 to 25 iuches witbin five year8. It looks elusive,but there are men who will endeavor to get -round it. - Chelsea Standard. 'Twas ever thus with our neighbor. But it be Hoove(r)s him not to waist an arm on such a venture. On the evening of Feb. 22nd, pany B , of Adrián, wil) give a grand military ball. Charles B, Hall, of the 39th Infantry, U. S. A., will inspect the company and a number of the officers of the various Detroit commands and the First regiment officers from Ann Albor, Ypsilanti and ïecurasfih are expected to attend. A fine time is expected. Genial Charles Ham, of Tecumsch, '■lio for the past nine years has been a iraveling saJesman for Barnes, Hengsel' & Co., of Buffalo, New York, has quit the road and will open np a retail lry goods store in Jackson March 15th. Hèwrts recognized as one of the best salesmen-on tlie road, and we have no doubt but that he will be equallysuccessful in bis new venture. He deserves it. According to the Tecnmseli News the Episcopal ladies who fed the hungry on the occasion of the supper in the new armory one week ago Saturday made $75. They also furnished fche supper for the party the following Monday evening and f rom thetwosuppers realized eighty-five ($.85) cents. Whew! The people who attended that party must have been people of truth and voracity. A military company has been organizad among the boys of the Preshyterian Sunday school, Tecumseh. They are about forty in number and are ofliccered as follows: Captain, Will Caldyréi; Ist Lieut., Tommy Lowry; 2nd 'i.iat., Fay Andersou; Ist Sergeant, Edwar%McClure, The enemiesof tbifl creed would better look a "little out" aereafter or they will flnd themselves io a bluer condition than the tradicional Presbyterian. At a meeting of Lafayette Grange 'faeld at the home of E. Keyes hi Lima February 15, the qnestion, "Resolved That it is not for the best interest o the United States to issue bonls in time of peace," was discussed. But 'Jear grangers, the Republicans spen all the monpy. and wliat could vou IJncle Samuel do without money? He is in exactly ttte same condition you would be under similar circuuistances It ia a wofxlchnck case pure and sim pie. - Samuel Cliapin, of Milan, wa ' to Grass Lake, recently, to as brother, Dr. E. B. Chapin, in re-ar8pv;t!iting Dwight Van Iloin' Sflg. Two or three years si nee Mr. Van Horn was injured in the overturning oí a load of hay and had to have hi Ihíc an. iilau-il it the ankkv En 1 ingjtihf nkiii wjfci ,iii s' elosely ■ over t ■ tiie st íjumji ihnt it lias alwaja nu;i-u liitn gri;itl. Finwily,-! after cousuttiiiji ili nAsicütns ai ttie Uoiverstti . ■' ■ ■ ■ itímiit tu i re-aippulHi.iuu, á.c5onluií;! lociois Chapín iiii'iL'd .Humt .'■; incheH frota the stiiin(i. lid ir, is now thougbt that t he will liave no f urUitsr troubls wíth it. A move ih being uuie ut Ypsilanti to inieresi t lie peoplé thtíre ín the building oï un opera liousr. P. W. i Shute, late leasee uf lite Ürapr opera house, saytf tliat ]) c:m bt(.v tlie oíd property for $4.ó00, Hiid tliai with au additiouai Sll,düO a subataiicial building can be pretted vihicii wül meel all needs of tlie city. líe sayjf it' the! citizenS'WÜI raise tliis laiter amouat he ii! eteut a building 165 f n depth and 30 ft: in width, wjth í:" ntraiice ! w;y to the auditoriam tVet. wide. The buildiug will contaíii Lwostitirs i( Eeet wide, exttJiiding baek 10 fee t to box oliicc. leaving lio feei as follows: ; 10 feet fof bot ornee and entrance to galiery eecoudaiid t'hird iloors; lo ffiét for-foyer that was so mucli reeded in oíd opVru house; then 65 t'eet t'or torium. leaving 40 feet for stage. He tiinks Mie building can be built and quipped tor $15,000. Here's hoping hat hH uiav be suecensful in his efforts p provide 'a play house tor the good )éopleof Ypsilanti. At the aminal meeting of the C. T. onipany at G. A. R. hall, Monday fteriioon, thare was a Fair attendapce. he terois of three of the nine directrs having expired, A. Easlick, of Lake iidge, V. B. Keysbr, of Clinton, and j. G. North, of Tecumseh, were electd to succeed themselves. The eleeion of ofEcers resulted as follows: 'resident, D. T. Hall; vice pres., John 1 Boyce; secretary. Dr. L. G. North; reasuier and manager, E. J. VV. Uown. The secretary and the treasurer ead their reporta, which were adopt;d. In the former it appears that there are now 83 miles of wire and 24ü cells of battery. Seveu miles of new line are being built, which will cjnnect Lake Kidge with Pennington'a Corners and make a continuoua metallic circuit that wil) admit of operators in Adrián or Holloway talking with Macon when the line is properly switched. The switch will once inore be put into the News offioe. Two of the seven miles have been built, and the rest of it will soon be completed. The company now carries about 150 instrumeiits, and has at least 00 operators. It was voted to fine anyone leaving a key open or a ground wire on, tifty cents and include the amount in his annual assessmetit.- Tecumseh News. We believe this telegraph line is of great value to the farming comraunity and all concerned. It saves farmers inany trips to the city in busy seasons, enables them to cali a physïcian on a momentos notice when needed, and is a benefit in various other ways. We would be glad to see the line extended to Washtenaw county or a similar line constructed here, with headquarters at Aun Albor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News