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Ypsilanti now has a paid iire department. II. L. Stoup and daugbter went to Detroit, Saturday. Miss Belle M. Blake, of Jackson, is liere visiting friends. Judd Chuy left for his home at Dowagaic Tuesday morning. F. J. Diebely, of Montpelier, Ohio, has been in town the past week. Mis. De Nike moved into her new residence on Congress street, Saturday. Next Friday evening a unión temperance meeting will be held at the M. E huren. . Ellsvvovth M. Ingram left last Saturday tor a short visit with his parents at Hancock. A Lincoln's Birthday social will be held in the G. A. R. hall Thursday evening, the löth. Ypsilanti Grange will entertain tlie Grangers of Washtenaw Counfcy next ! Thursday, the lotli. Miss Ida Crosby, of Wayne, was the j puestof Miss Minliie Stoup, last 1 urday and Sunday. C. 1). O'Connoï. formerly with Trim & McGregor, is now derking in the Chicago Shoe Store. Thcre were ouly half a dozen participants in the civil service examination, held last Saturday. Will J. Reader removed his barber sliop froni Congress street to the postofflee block last Monday. The ladies of St. Luke's ehurch lield a sale of home-made provisión in the parish house last Saturday. A valentina social was held at tho Y. W. CA. rooms, Wednesday evening. A large crowd was present. Ernest Hutchinson ciosed his shoe store Saturday and has shipped his entire stock of boots and shoes to Battlè Creek. Hou. E. 1'. Allen delivered an dress at the celcbration of Lincoln's birthday at Grand Rapids, Monday evening. Miss Hattie Root, a former resident of Ypsilanti, but now of Ilillsdale, bas been visiting Miss Reba Page, the past week. Win. Biazee, who bas been sojourning bere for the past three or four weeks, bas resumed bis position on the road för a Cleveland tirrn. Hon. E. P. Allen lectured on Abraham Lincoln at the Congregational cluuch. Wednesday evening. The proceeds went for the benefit of the Ladies' Library iund. Beall, Oomstoek, and Wilcox have moved their ry goods store from Washington St. to the store next to the postoftiee. Tliey have now one of the fin est stands in the city. In view of Mrs. Osband's recent illness, the lecture of the Ladies1 Library course wbich was to have been given Tuesday evening, has been post poned to sornè future date. Articles of agreement were signed Tuesday evening by Asa Nash and Wra. Campbell, two blacksmiths, for a horseshoe inuning match to take place some time in March. The contest is for $óO a side and will consist in burning 100 shoes on time. A very large audience was present at the spelling school held in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. Prof. Miller, of the Normal school, had cbarge of the contest. Miss Emma Ackerman, of the Normal, won and in doing so she spelled down quite a number of Ypsilanti's best spellers. Tally one for the Normal. With the Normal gymnasium almost completed,and one in the Light Guard hall in full blast every night, a prospective one at the Business College, and still another "in the dim, distant future" at the jag cure, Ypsilanti young men will soon be a race of Sparans.' Verily, Ypsilanti will then luceCorbetts,Mitchells aud" Jacksons"' )y the score. The vested choirof St. Luke'schurch, vhich is composed of 35 boys gave a ehearsal last Saturday evening, and ou Suuday evenicg they made their flrst public appearance. The chuich was jammed, there being not even standing room. The selections by the choir were rendered in a very üne manner as were the selections by Felix Lamond and John Dodge.


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