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Rea! Estáte tor Sale. OTATE' OF MICHIGAN, COUNÏV 0P IJ shtenaw - ss. In matter of the estáte or Thomas Tate, deceased. ' Notice la hereby Kiven, that :n pursuanceof .111 ordor granted to the un.dersizned udmiDistrator of the estáte of sald 'i'iiomas Tate, deceased, by the Hon. Judge o) Probate tor the County of Washtenaw, 011 the slxtn day of February, A. 1). ls4. rhere wil] be sold ut ]ul)]ic vendne, to the blghest bidder at the late fcsidcnce of snkl deceasod In the towoship of Brldgewater, irutln Oounty of washtenaw, ín sala State, on Wednecday the 28th day of March, A. [). lssu, at ten o'clock .n the forenoon of that day (subject to all enoumbrauces by mottguge or otberwlse extstIng at the time of the rleath r sald iiece;isecl) the followlQg deacrlbed reul catate, to wit: Theeast Imlf of the southeast quarter of ppction Qumber twenty-tliree (2:) and t)ie west half of the soutlivest qnarter of seotioB uumber twenty-four (24) all in the towDgbip of Bridfre water, ia the County of Wasbteuaw aud hítate of Mioliiprim. SOLOMON TATE, Adminístrate. I":ited Fehi-uaiy 6, 1894. Estáte of Blanche White. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Kj o 1 Washtonaw, s. At a pession of tbi; Probate ( üurt lor uu; Oounty of Washtonaw, bolden at the Probate Utticc in r)w city of Aun Arbor, n Sftturday, the 27ih day of Jauuary, In the yearone thouB;in-t eitflit huntlrerï and t inetv-fuur. Present, J, Wïllard Kabbitl, .ï;idg-e of Probate. In the matter of the eetftte oi P lanche White, deceased. Lemuel Goldsmith,tlie adixnnbjtrutor of sai-1 ea lílte. comes into court and repreaeuts that he is oow preparad to rendt-r hia tinal acoouot as such adminístralo!. Ttaereupon It is ordered tbat Tueaday, the 27tb dav of February next, at ten o'olock i;i tbe forenoon, be nssigned lor exaniiiiing1 find allowing such account, -tno that the heirs at ïnw of sai'l deoeased, and all other prrsons iututeted ia saidestato tirp required to appear at a senrion of said court, theti to be holden at the - rot-tt'e Olfice in tbe rity of Au Arbnr, in s il County and show cause, if anv there be wby the aaid account ahould not he allowed: And it is fur ther ordered thutaaid ftdministDitor g've iiotiOto the persons in te rested in ettid estáte, of tbeppndney of said account an.l the heiinng1 theroof. by causing a copy of this ordor to be pubJiahed iu the Ann Arbor Aroüs, a newspaper priuted Htid ciroulating in said county tb ree KUccesnive prtivious to said rltiv of hearing. J. WJL'LAKD BABltlTT. A truccopy.j Jude of Probate. WiluamG. Dot. Probate Register. __ - __- Estáte of Mary A. Ottmar. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wabtenaiv ,ss. Ata sesaión oí i h' Probu Court for the Oounty of WnshiehHw.hnMfn 1 tbí Probate Oi&ce. ín the City of Ann Arbor on WetlDESay, the 30th fiaj of J:uninry, in the T(jar one thousaud eight hundred aud niuety four. Present,,.!. Willfird Kabbji t, .Tudze of Probate. In the matter oí Mie eatat.e of Mary Ottmar, deoeaaen. . On readiníí andfiliníjthc pet It ion, duly verifled, of Ghristina Blnm, praviny that t ti i 1 tratloD of aid estáte niay he urante-l t( llnu ■ Richards, or some other snitable person. Ther-upon it is ordered, tht vtonday, the 2fth day of February nflt at (en o'clnck 'in 1 u_ forenoon , be assincd for the hearing oï Baïd petitlon and that the heirs at law ot said oeceíiSí-d, and all otber persona intereated iu eaid estáte are required to tfppear at a sesöion oí' sai ' conrt, then to b.' bolden at the Probate Offi'c in the city ot Ann Arbor, .ind show, i i HTXy there be, Why the irnyer of the petitioner not be ranted. And it is furtlier otdered, that said petitioner trivt' notice lo the perttons interested ïusaid tstate of the pende íicy oiítttid pet it ion noel tbe hearing there f byoaustoj ft C0f3 i this order to he published in the Ann rbokAkgus, ,i aewspapèr priuted and Ireulated in c i'tl couuty, thrce siiccessive wet It previo1. i - fü ia benring. J. WILLARP B-BBï L'T, [A truecopy.] Jadgeef Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probato ELesU-r Estate ot John Ryan. TATEOF MICHIGAN. COUNTl ot Washtenaw. ss. Ar nae sfunofihe lrob;itt Court for the Ouunl oí' Wahblifbuw, tioliïen at fche Probate Office n tbo c.r of Ann Arm, .j Mond y, the 2Jd day ol Jatiuary, m ihe yeai on' thouaand eighthundred and ninotj foi-r Pre8eut,.I. Wiliaro Babbitt, .lud-co of Pn. bate. ]d the matter of tue éHiate of John Uy-ui,. deceased. On rnadiiiEr and filinij tiie petition, duly v rifud, of Catharine Kyan, pravin tliai Cuspar llnsey may he apppintea truct e for said estufe . Thcreupon it is ordered that '0ik1.iv, the Lath day of Febru iry next, at ten o'clock in the I noon, be assijrned the lit-aritu of said peiition, ana that tbe devise s, leratt w, aud neuh at tiv of said deceased] and II utbt'i uersuiib ititerested ui eaid esiate, are requued nppeai at session of aaid Court, ihen to bc hoMen at the probate oüiet i n the citv oí A □ ti Arbor, and show cause, if any tl' ere be, wby the praye1 of tbe petitioner , should not be tjrunted And it i f ar 1 bei urdered thai said petifioner giy notie to the; person.1 interested iu aid state, of tbe peudency I ol Raid pet it ion , aniï the heiri tig tbeieoi, by eausinga cupy of this order to he publisheö iu tue Ann Arbor Argus, fi uewspnper printed .md ''ireulated in aid county three nuccessive weeks provious tO3aid day of hearing. J. WIULAKl) BABBïTT, Judge of Probate. [A true copy.] wimjam G. "Doty, Probate Résister. NÖ.4 W. WASHINGTON Wl HOUSK, SïG, OpAHSKU AND i'KESCC PilHTSH, sfiidina-, caloimining, g-lazing and paper aarfg ia. All work is done in the best etyte and wrraoted to rive Batisfaetion.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News