A Sudden Death
Nathan H. Drake, clerk at the Cook House, feil dead while about his duties yesterday morning about 8:30 o'clock. He has been troubled for some time with heart disease and has expected a sudden summons. He seemed better than usual this morning when he reported for duty, but while seated behind the counter and engagedin conversation witii Mr. Roy McClure he suddenly threw up his hands and feil heavily to the floor and died without a struggle. He came to Ann Arbor about 1S55 or 1857 and acted as clerk of the old Franklin house, which occupied the site of the present Masonic Temple. After a few years in this position, he left the Franklin house, married Miss Wildt of this city, and opened up a restaurant business. In this capacity he became well known to the traveling public and the students in the University. He was a genial, pleasant man and well liked by all who knew him. Some five or six years ago he sold out his restaurant business and became clerk in the Cook House, which position he continued to hold up to the time of his death. He was born in the state of New York and was 65 years of age. A wife and two daughters are left to mourn his loss. Mrs. Drake went to Detroit this morning and on her arrival there was informed of her husband's death and at once returned to the city. Mr. Drake was a member of Golden Rule lodge, No. 159, F. and A. M., Washtenaw Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M., and Athens Lodge, K. of H., of Ann Arbor. He was insured in the latter order in the sum of $2,000.