The Dexter Village Election
The Dexter village election yesterday proved quite close and exciting, and brought out a large vote, 210 citizens of the village registering their ohoice at the polls. Hon. John V. N. Gregory, who headed the democratie ticket, was elected president of the village by 7 majority. Mr. Gregory served two terms in the legislature from this district. He is now president. The tickets voted on yesterday were as follows: Democratie: President, John V. N. Gregory; recorder, John VV. Barley; treasurer, Orla C. Gregory; trustees, Alonzo Davis, Charles W. Stebbins, John Croarkin; assessors, James Gallagher, James Lyman. Republican: President, H. Wirt Newkirk; recorder, John VV. Barley; treasurer, Jay Keith; trustees, A. E. PheJps, Charles H. Stannard, John Tuffs; assessors, John L. Smith, George Alley. J. V. N. Gregory was elected bv 7 majority. John W. Barley, democrat, was elected recorder without opposition. The balance of the republican ticket was elected by from 7 to 10 majority.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Orla Gregory
John V. N. Gregory
Charles W. Stebbins