Cannibal Islands
-3 OF THE 3o says the oíd college song. But the Islands are no longer Oannibal, and no longer have a King or Queen, bnt are a Free Republic in Mid-Ocean. The Only Set of Hawaiian Views in Existence. What are we Talking about? Why the Hawaiian Islands and PART III OF OUR - &RT AND TRAVEL SERIES. These VieWs Were selected by special permission f rom a large collection bronght straight from Honolulú. No one else has them or can get thern. ii ii lo mu ron 10 cdb. SEE THE HULA DANGERS, THE FAMOU.S LEPER SETTLEMENT, QUEEN LIL'S PALACE, ETC. Sixteen Large SaijcWich lslai)as Photographs of the . Haw Is Secure Ib hpeolitd Oler. Cut out of the ARGUS one of the Coupons that will appear each week and bring or send to the Argus Office with ten cents. If you bring it, the part named in the coupon will be handed you. If you mail it, the part will be niailed you. E GUT ! I THIS OUT I i No. 3. March 5, 1894. I ArgUs CoUpoi). : - " ! I Photographic Tour of the World. : I I PART III.-HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. í Tbis Coupon and 1O cents i tles you to one Part. ov = j j senrt to ! j Ann Arbot Argüs, I I Aun Arbor Mioh. g e Opera House BlOck. g
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