"WM. ALÏÏOLD JEWELEE, 36 Main Street. The Price of Silver is lower tlian ever and Sieriñig Silverwarti in proportion Look at our SOLIO STERLING SILVJEUTEASPOON.S4.50 $5.00 and $5 50 per set (}4 rfoz.) plain or fancy pattems. J6.0O. JS6.5O and $7.00 for a very fine liand engraved paitern, per set (}o doz) CofTee, Table, Dessert, Oüve and Sugar Spoons at reduced rates. COME AND SKE FOR YOURSELVES. A handsome new styie SETII THOMAS EIGHT DAY CLOCK, wiih Oathedral goni;, half-hour st'ike, for $7.O(), Special Price. Itepairiliy done a usual, Firsl-Class and Moderate in Price. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler, Sii S. 3Iain St., - Aun Albor.
Ann Arbor Argus
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