Fifty Mile Stones Passed
Room 24 was comfortably fHled Saturday evening, the occasion being the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Alpha Nu society. The program was highly entertain - ing but its extreme length caused many to leave before its close. The music furnished by Messrs. Gilmore and Watson, Misses Fischer and and Timberlake was in keeping with the rest of the program . The vocal solo by Miss Timberlake deserves especial mention for the power with which it was rendered. The society paper by C. H. Duncan contained some good humor. The presidents address by J. Q. Adams and the "sibyl" by Isaac Stern deserve mention. Perhaps the most interesting parts of the program were the reminiscences by Prof. Scott and Prof. Demon. The former reviewed the society in the eighties and the latter in the sixties. Prof. Demon attended the University from '65 to '68 at which time the membership of the Alpha Nu varied but little from 100, and of 62 graduates in the class of '68, 25 were members of this society. The professor mentioned a score of men who could have been seen in Alpha Nu hall from '65 to '71 that now fill prominent positions and enjoy national reputations. He related many incidents gleaned from the records and from his own recollections which were of exceeding interest to all present. The professor exhorted the society to preserve full records for future reference. I. B. Lipson reviewed in his usual agreeable and forcible way the work of the society in the nineties.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News