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Kept Her Vow

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Three ag-ed maulen woracn by the name of Hullock died of la ;;-r:ppe i Salem, Mass., receptly within sixteeu days. They all lived in one house at 7T Derby street with a married sister. Who survives. Mary Kullock, ag-ed 78. Hannah, ag-ed 84, and Elizabeth, ag-ed 76. Of Mary and Hannah it may be said tliat their lives were uneventful, but connected with Elizabeth is a sad and romantic history. Nearly half a century ag-o she feil in love with a handsome man and had made arrangements to be married. He was ambitious to malte his mai-k in life, and if possible, secure' a fortune. She refused to aceompany him to " the West and endearored to dissuade him froin going-. He had made up his mind to go, however, and urg-ed her in every way possible to be married, but she firmly refused, and said that unless he surrendered his intention of leaving- Salem she would never g-o outdoors again. Her lover went West, made a fortune, married a buxom maiden and is now the father of an interesting family. For more than forty years Elizabeth was loyal to her rash vow and never left the house but once, and that was some years ago, when the old homestead was on flre, and she was taken by main f orce f rom her room by the firemen. the first years of her voluntary confinement her family and friends endeavored to make her chang-e her mind, but all efforts and influences were futile. So far as the public can learn she never spoke to anyone about her lover, yet it is apparrent by her demeanor for more than four decades that she never forg-ot him.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News