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E. Sparks is on the siek list. C. E. Betts, of Detroit, was here on luesday. Drummers are numerous now, placïng goods tor spring trade. 'Die whooping cough is in the school here and rapidly spreading in tovvn. No one here is mueh surprised at the outcome of the Dexter bank robbery. Frank McNamara, of Jackson, was among friends here the lirst of the week. John Laing, of Detroit, purchased hides and pelts here the lirst of this week, Work is to go on as soon as the weather will permit moving the stock yards. A. W. Wilkinson is spendiug a little time in Detroit as a change for the benefit of his health. John J. Robison, of Sharon, shook hands with old friends in this village one day last week. Next Sunday is quarterly meeting ut the M. E. church, and fresiding Eider L. P. Davis will ofliciate. The Japanese Medicine cornpanyhas been holding forth all this week to crowded houses at the town hall. Death, taxes, burglars and bank robbers wrought sad havoc among the people of this county, last week. Frank Broderick, of Detroit, visited his mother here the last of the week, and left for Chicago Mpnday morning. All the attorneys from liere and man y litigants attended the opening of court at Ann Arbor on Monday last. O. VV. Blain, of Grand Rapids, was here last week Wednesdáy to try to revive the Good Ternplar's lodge of tliis place. The M. 10. church Sunday school will give a musical and literary entertainment at the town hall Tuesday eveniug, next week. C. E. Foster, of Frnitridge, has been selling boots and shoes at auction here all this week in the store lately occupied by Geo. II . Kempf . Robins and other birds are here which would indícate that spring is near, but winter is likely to linger in the lap of spring more than a month yet. The mumps are quite prevalent about ljerein places. If sotneone will bring along the measles and scarlet fever the list of calamities will be complete. The average urehin is already out with his bag of rnibs on the war lath to play for keeps with anything that has any conüdence in his ability to shoot. Town Treasurer G. W. Beckwith made his return to the county treasurer last Saturday. In spite of the depression in business abont the usual arnount of the taxes were collected The coroners jury, called to determine the cause of the death of Henry Franklin. said on their oath that he died of heart failure, aggravated by exposure to the iuclemency of the weather. Those who vvish to vote ncxt Monday should see that their names are registered on Saturday. It is time this village was run in the interest of the village and not, as f or several years, in the interest of the county. Subscriptions are being taken for the new Congregational church to be built here next summer. Work will be commenced in the early spring, and a house that will be a credit to the society and town will be built. All petty offenses such as misdemeanors, lights, quarrels and drunks should be punished under local orclinances, that the iines may go into the village treasury, rather than under the state "luw where the fine-s go into the county treasury. Cora Wilsey, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wilsey, living two miles north-east of here, died last Saturday of Pneumonía. She was about ten years old and lier departure was very sudden. The family has the sympathy of the community in their great loss. The market has held its own the past week, but arrivals have been small on account of bad roads, Wheat now brings 52 ets.; rye, 45 ets.; barley, $1.05; oatr, 28 ets.; beans, $1.80; clover seed, $5.50; dressed pork, $6.00; chickens, 6 ets.; eggs, 13 ets.; butter, 15 ets. Next Monday the charter election will be held. A people's and citizens' caucus was called for. last Monday night. The people's cauens nominated J. D. Schnaitman for president, John Cole for clerk, G. W. Beckwith for assessor. Lew Freeman for treasurer and W. F. Reimenschneider, J. P. Foster and A. C. Pierce for trustees, Wm. Lemich for constable. The citizens' caucus nominated the same as the above except to put John Cock for president. Somebody nominated a so-called union ticket af terwards without any cali for a caucus, putting Wm. Bacon for president. Under the law of '98 that ticket is illegal and it remains to be seen whetheror not it will be placed on the official ballott.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News