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Mrs. Bradley Mattcrson, 70 years old ;ml a resident, of Pontiac l'or half a century, [lied at lier home on Perry street aftera long illness. There is war waging among the woman officers of the Maccttbees at Mies. A slight mistake started tbe thing and now it is probable that the woman's lodge will disband. A laborer, who was omployed in acedar campnear Gladstone, was found dead in tbe bay Wednesday. A coroner's inquest rendered a verdict of death trom unknown causes. Saturday. !larch lp. Wiliam Easy of Bedford was caught under a falling tree and had bis foot crushed. Shepherd has a clothespin manufactory, and lias just shipped the first earload to Chicago. There is said to be agood niarket for thein in tbat city. Samuel Gilmore died at Otsego of consumption, aged 28 years. He was formerfy in business there and was a memoer of tbe Knights of Pytbias. Ad old foJks' honie is nearing completion tion at Monroetown, and will be dedicated May 6. AU Utherans of 60 yeiirs of age wbo are friendless wi)l be a.íraitted free of charge. Monday, Marcli ia. A Minden City banker will not receive Canada money bereafter except at a discount of 5 per cent. Mount Pleasant has a sbost haunted gawmill, and no boy will fish for eels after dark in the pond. The is that of a boy who fellupon the sáw a few years ago and was cut i two. The specter, nowever, does not appear in two parts. A Niles man who owned a maple tree and a milkpail combined the two for the purpose of acquiring sonie sap and having a genuine oldtime sugaring off, but during the night a thief broke the combination by stealing the paü. It wasn't worth over 25 cents, but the man will give S8 for information that will convict the thief. Tuesday, Marcli 13. Hancock charges all transient merchants $25 for every day they do business in that village. Between t35,000 and $30,000 worth of buildings havealready been planned for in Hudson to be built this spring. Lapeer will vote whether the common council shall borrow $6,000 to be used in extending the water mains to the location for the home for the feebleminded and epileptic. James M. Simon died at, Charleston township. He was 80 years old, and at the age of 16 drove the iirstoxteam into the Indian wilds of Michigan, west of Jackson, in 1830. Weduesday, Mavoli 14. .Oscoda will have another opera house to take the place of the onewhich wasburned last December. A meeting will be held hy the members of the Benton Harbor bar for the formation of h bar association. Meiominee fisliermen have lost between $l(i.(K)() aud 115,000 wovth of nets by the ice in GroeD bay moving out suddenly and carrying the nets with it. Fire destroyed the Redware house and doek at New Bal ti more, together with several thousand dollars' worth of basswood lumljer. Tliursday, March 15. The castora house at Muskegon will be opened April I. Another cigar factory, which will eniploy 10 men, will be startcd at Lapeer soon. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kimble, a VicksburR pioneer, died Wednesday morniug, aged 8S years. Alfred Haziel bas been nppointed postmaster at South Cass, Ionia county, vice Charles Sickles, resigned. Vicksburg stores close at 7:30, so the people can attend unión revival meetings held by W. Herald Stacey, a Kalamazoo evangelisr..


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News