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[GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, March 20th. Liucoln J. Carler's Mammoth Scenic Production. THE TORNADO. The Awful Tornado. The Great Riggiñg Scène, Six Tars Furling a Monster Sai] The Collision of Two Ocean Liners at Fuli Speed. The Mighty Open Sea Scène, with Waves Running Mountain High. Dissecting Room of a Medical College. Chicago Harbor at Night, and many otherscenic wonders. "To hold as well as win success, Keep all your play-bill promises," PBICES: Beserved Seats, 75o. AdmissionParqntte and flrat row in Parqueite Oircle lear(ji'otte Circlc back oí ürst row, 60cj Reservtéa seats on salo at Watts' Jewelrv Estale of tliza J. Patterson. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Waahtenaw. bs. At a session oí the Probate Oourt ror th. Omratv of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Orficc m the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 12th day oi Maroli, in the year one taousaud eis-iit hundred and ninety-ibur Present. J.Wiilard tiabbitt, Judgp of Probate In the matter of the óslate oí EUzh ,T Patterasn, doceased. Johu I'. Davis, expcutor of the last will and testamciH ot said deceascd, comes nto court and represente that hc ia now prepared to render hi8 ünal account as snoli exeeutor. Tbereupon t ia oidored, that Tuesdny the lOth day oí April next, at ton o'clook in the Tortnoon, be assigned tor piamining and allowinsr such account and tlit the daviseee, légateos, heira al law of said decnnsed and all other persons interesled in eaid ,tate, are leqnlred to appear at a senior of said Jourt, thín tobe Dolden at the Probate Oltioe, in the city of Aun Arbor in s.ud County.aodehowcuuee, tf any tficebe wby the said account ghou-ld not beallowed: Ana il s further ordered, that süid execiitor give notice to the persons iuturested iu taid cnlatt; of the pendency o( said aooount, and the liparini theieof bycausing a copy of thi order to he publisbed in thu Anx Miüor AitOLS, n uenxpaper pnatd and cirouintin? in Haid County. three siicccssife weeks prcvioiis to a-iid dny of harine. J. WILLAUD BADBI'iT, IA true copy] Judge of Probttte. William G. Doty, Probate Eegister. Estáte of James Gaunt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTV O of Washtenaw,ss. At a session of th Probat Court for ibe Oounty of Washtenaw. holden atthe Probate Office, in the City of Arm Arbor. on Mouday, the I2th day of March, in the year one thousand ei&ht hundred and ninety four Preseut.J. Wiliard Mabbiu, .Tudgeof Probate ' In the matter of the estáte of mes Giunt deceaaed. On readinsraudfilinRthepetition, duly veriiied, of Ann Gaunt, praving that Die administration dT said estáte Djay be fíranted to Ebenezer Hill or some other Biiilable persou. TtiCTtupon it is oruereó1, that Mondain the !)th day oi Apri] next, at ten o'olock in the lorenoon, be assigued tbr the hearing of said petltion and that the heirs at law of said rteceased, and al! other persons imereated iu said estáte are required to appear t a sfs.xion of aai- coijrt, thea to be holoen at the Probate Office iu the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any theft be wby the prajer of the jjetitioner sbouid not Depranted. And it is ftirther orderen that said peiiüouer give notiee to the persons'interestetl in said tstat of the pendency of unid petition and tlie hearing thereof, by causinV a copj of this order to he published in the Ann Abbok Akgus, a ncvrspupur printed andcirculated iu said countv ihrpe suocessivo week previous to suid day óf hearing. J. W1LLAED BAUUITT txr CA. f iUe COpy-] JodSe of Probate. Vr3i. tí. üo'j'Y. Probate Eesister Estáte of Timothy Wallace. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Ata Bession of the Probate Court for the county of U ashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of A au Arbor, on Wfdnesclay, the J4th day of Mareh, ia the yeai oue thuiisimd eight hundred and ninety-four Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Priliate Tn the matter ol the estáte of Timothy Wallace deceased. ' Onreauingand fiüng the petilion, duly rtiïfiod, of Ca me J. Wallace, praying that udininistration of aid cstale mar be granted lo A bram NVallaie orsomeotber suitable person. Thereuou it i ordored. thut, the 9:h riay of April Dext, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be assigued tor the hearing of s:iid petition, and that the heira at )aw of said deeea-ed, and all other persona inten-sted io Boid estáte, are required to appcar at a session of said cóurt, tuen to be holaen :it the l'rohate OBSce, in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any therehe, why the prayer oí' the peutiuBcr should nut begianted: And it ís fnrtherordered, that said pqtitioner ivo notice tothsperj oüö interest ed in said esta te,ot thependencyof saiö I petition, and the hearing tbereof, by cauaing a copy f this order to be puhlished in the Ank Ahuor ABOus.a newsDapei nrinttdand cireulated in said couutv.tbrreauccessive weeks previoua to said day' of hearing. J. WILLAED BABBITT, (A truecopy) JuJgeoi 'robatp William Ü.DOTY. Probate Hetrihter. 0VLATEST iMPROVED HORSE POWER Machines forTHRESHING 4 CLEANING (irain.also lUachiiH-M forSAWING WOO1 ( fta vrítb Circular and CrosaAcknowledged L_ (Jut Drag Saw. by all to b SBStj A A " regardinj? 1 BLa EASY ORflFT, DUR ABILITY & QUANTITY 0F WORK fe'pï A.W. GRAY'S SONS, Patkhiïzb axd Solé Mahutacturkes, ülülíLtiü WS 8FUUttiS Vi. C % VOGEL, Ann Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. All kinds of MEA.TS AND SAUS AGES. Freah lard-ftlways in stock. PouJtry mseason,


Ann Arbor Argus
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