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Notice of Sult in Attachment. ' rpHE CIRCUIT COURÏ FOB THE COUNTT ! of Washtenaw. Georse Devine, ijhiint itT, vs. John Divine, defendant . Notice is hereby griveti that ;i writ of attaehinrnt, was on the nirith aay ot' February. A. I). 1894, duly issued out of and under the sea] et the Circuit Court for the County of Waslitenaw, in the state of Michigan, at the sult of George Devine, as plaintiíT and apainst the and tenements, k"O(Is, cliattels. "moneys and elrects of John Devine, the defendant therei n named, for the sum of two-hundred and seyenty-nve dollars and nfty-si. cents which said writ of attachmeut was returnable on the sixth day of March, A. D. 1884, at 10 o'cloek a. in , of said date. .1. W BENNETT, Attorney for plaiuliff. Daled, the Tth day of March, A. D. ÏS'.H. Estáte of Richard Walsh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss . At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtena-, holden at the Probate OIHee In the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the lifth day of Maroh, in the yearone thousand eig-ht hundred and ninety-four. Present J. Willard Jiabbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Walsh, deceased. On rcuding aad the petition duly verifled, of Alice McQuillHn, prayin? that adraitiIstratlon of said estale niav be sranted tu James 'Walnh orsome other snitable person. Tliereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 3rd day of April next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assiffned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City oi' Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why theprayer of thepetitioner should not be iti"anted. Andltie further ordered that said petitioner dvo notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causin? a copy of this order to be published in the Ann akbor Arous, a newspaper priuted and circulated in said county, three suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAHD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate William G. Doty. Probate Keirister. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ of Washtenaw. The undersiísned hnviny been appointed ly the Prohale Court for said Oounty, commiasioners to receive, examine antí idjust'all claims aud demands of all perumu, iig-.unat the estáte of John W. Hunt, late ui snid .-(lunty, decenxed, hereuy give notice that aix inonths from date are allowed, by order ui sic Probate Court lor creditors to present their claima againsttbe eotateof said neceased. and tliai tliey will meet at the office of Elilm B. Pond, in the cityoi'Ann Arbor in said county, od the 21st day of Muy and on the ÜOth day of August next, at ten o'clock a. m. ot ench of snid days. to receive, examine aud íuljust said claims. Dated February ÍOth, 1SÍW. ELIHU U. POND. LEOXIIAKD GHUNER, Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Wnshtenaw, 9S. Notice is hereby eiven, thalb ■■ au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made mi the Süth day of February A. D. 1S1I4. six inontbs from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estale of Mary A. Otlmar, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are requircd to present their claims to said Probate Court, atthe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinntion and allowunce, on or before the '7111 day of August next, and tbat such claims will be htard before said Court on the itith day of May and on the 27th day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonol' eaeh ot said rfays. Dated, Aun Arbor, February 26th. A. D. 1894. J. WILLARD BABItlTT, Judfe of Pronate Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. The undersigned havinj; been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Oominissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Lucinda DePuy, late of said county, deceased, hereüi' give noiice that aix months f rum date are allowed, by orderof said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of enid deceased, and that they will meet at thp office of W, K. Clnlds, in the city of Aun Arbor in said county, on theseventh day of' May, and on the sixth day of August next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of snid da)8, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, February 6tb, 1894. ANDREW GIBSON, JEROME A. FEEEMAN, Commissioners. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTT OF Washtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Tate, deeeased. Notice is hereby given, thatin pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said Thomas Tate, deceased, by the Hon. .Tudfre of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the sixth day of February, A. D.1894. there will be sold at public vendue. to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased in the township of Bridgewater, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Wednesday, the 2Sth day of Mareh, A. D. 1894, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said rieeeased) the following described real estáte, to wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section number tweuty-three (23) and the west half of the southwest quarter of section number twenty-four(24) all in the township of Bridgewater, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. SOLOMON TATE, Administrator. Dated Fcbruary 6. 1S94.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News