The City's Darling
We have met the enemy and they I a:e not ours The democrats made a a gallant fight but there were three tickets against them and when the votes were counted the democrats werealittleshort.iOn mayorthedemocrats cast 107 more votes than they did last spring and the prohibitionists, municipal club and republicans cast 102 more votes than they did last year. Dr. Darling carried the first ward by 99 and the sixth by 210, while Mr. Walker carried the second ward by 156, the third by 87, the ourth by 8, and the fifth by 20. "he big majorities in the first and ixth elected Dr. Darling by 38 majority. Mr. Walker made a gal ant run against heavy odds. He eceived 16 more votes than Mr. lann received last year in the secnd, 61 more in the third, 22 more n the fourth, and 20 more in he fifth, and 9 less in the first nd 3 less in the sixth. Comparing )r. Darling's vote with Mayor 'hompson's vote last year, we firid that Dr. Darling received 47 more votes in the first, 25 more in the second, 6 more il the third, 9 more in the fifth, 25 more in the sixth and 10 less in the fourth. The following is the vote by wards: Darling . Walker R.,M.C.&P. D. First ward 298 199 Second ward. .. 129 285 Third ward. ... 166 253 Fourth ward. .. 165 173 Fifth ward .... 70 90 Sixth ward. . . . 268 58 1096 IO5S 38 For president of the council.Prof. VVines received 96 majority. His vote was only 2 more than Dr. Daring's, but a number of voters voted tor Walker for mayor who voted for no other office. Many of these were probably led astray by the idea of stamping the first square and neg lecting to mark the circle. Mr. Watts had 58 more votes than he had last year and Prof. Wines increased his vote by 138. The majorities for Wines were 105 in the first and 217 in the sixth, 'while President Watts had 138 in the second, 67 in the third, 14 in the fourth and 7 in the fifth. Mr. Watts lost 3 on his vote of last year in the first and 20 in the sixth, while he gained over last year 10 in the second, 37 in the third, 5 in the fourth and 13 in the fifth. The vote on president of th council was as follows. Wines. Watts. First ward 298 193 Second ward 133 271 Third ward 164 231 Fourth ward 161 175 Fifth ward 75 82 Sixth ward 267 50 IO98 IOO2 96 WARD TICKETS. There were four democratie aldermen and tvvo republicans elected and one democratie and five republican supervisors. The vote by wards was as follows: FIKST WARD. For Supervisor, John R. Miner, R 268-81 James Kearns, D 187 Joshua G. Palmer, P. . . 25 For Alderman, Pearson L. Bodmer R. M. C. and P 291-92 Ross Granger, D 199 For Constable, William E. Eldert, R.. . 287-110 Willis L. Clark, D 177 SECOND WARD. For Supervisor, Eugene Oesterhn, D... 249-96 John C. Schmid, R.... 153 Herman Markham, P.. . 1 For Alderman, David F. Allmendinger, d . . . : 233-65 Michael Grossman, R. 168 For Constable, Paul Schall, D 247-92 Frederick Huhn, R.... 155 THIRD WARD. For Supervisor, Robert Shannon D 183 Jacob Fischer, R 223-40 For Alderman, Clinton J. Snyder, D.. . 218-28 Andrew R. Peterson, R. 190 For Constable, Jeremiah Walsh, D 210-16 Jasper Imus, sr., R 194 FOURTH WARD. For Supervisor, George H. Pond, R. . . . 167-14 Joseph Donnelly, D. . . . 153 For Alderman, Iienry J. Brown, D.,(on all tickets) 325 For Constable. Thomas F. Leonard, D., , (on all tickets) 312 KIFTH WARD. ■"or Supervisor, Herman Hardinghaus,D. 58 Thomas Speechly, R. . . 98-40 L. Williams, P 1 ror Alderraan, Walter Taylor, D 82-7 Wm. Shadford; R 75. "or Constable, Rudolph Kern, D 72-71 C. Wilson, P 1 SIXTH WARD. 7or Supervisor, Evarf H. Scott, R 217-149 George Hempl, D 68 "or Alderman, F. A. Wilson, D 71 HoraceG. Prettyman, R. 258-187
Ann Arbor Argus
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