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Lost Her Pocketbook

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Jackson, April 2.- People about the itreets Saturday night were greatly exnted over the report that awomau was stabbed and robbed ou Steward avenue. The facts of tlie case are not as sensational as was first ruuiored. About 9:30 Mr. William Raymond, liviug ou Oak Hill avenue, was returniug trom Phillips' uieat market, at the corner of Steward avenue and Ganson street, where she had settled her bilis, and had arrived about midway between Ganson Btveet and Oak Kill avenue when a man approached her. He seized Mrs. Rayïnond and used her very roughly in attempting to suateh her pocketbook. She broke away froni his grasp, when he assaulted her a seeond time and aucceeded iu getting her pocketbook. Her BC-reams attracted the attentiou of people near by and on the appearance of [ïeighbors the man disappeared. There whs but little money in the puree. The happened iuiinediately under the electric light and consequently Jlrs. Raymond could easily identify her asBailant.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News