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The Salt f That's all Salí Is the salt every onc fihould use. The im purities in tbe other kinds are uselesR, ot course, but dangerous also. The linio, especïally, is tlie cause of much kidney diaease. Diamond Crystal Salt Is much the purest, and therefore the bost salt known. Made from the best brine, by the best process, wlth the best grain, and packed in the best manner. The fact that salt is cbeap is no reason why you should not have pure salt. Ask for Diamond Crystal, give it a fair trial. Write us for farther particulars. Our Dftiry ftalt is the Standard of excellence, and no buttor maker should be without it. Address DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., iA St. Clair, Midi. -,. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF AlIj The Mewest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAR 0. SOES, THE DECORATOll, 7O 8. Ivillisr ST. 0LATEST MPROVKE Í Machines for THHKSÏIiNi; CX Uraïn,&lso Machinen for SAW WUUi ! AAnnwladged OS, -'"' ;iri-i.í Silvio, sydrIft, durabiliïy&T & pago pamphlet B IJ fcfcJ! !!'(! Cfi?if Free. AdSreaB H. f. Uní-íl vi úulia, PATENTICES AMD SOLÉ MAKtTFACTtTlliaiS, vïctor"cycles" VÍCTOR FI.YF.R $125.00. If you are golng lo rlde why not ïide the best, Vivtws are best ! Oall and scu tliem and you will be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S OYCLE EMPORUM. 11 "W. Washington Ann Arbor. N. B. Wc have :i larse line oi' secoml-huml wheels which we are selling veiy cheap. BÁCiV Sil AND FLOÜR AMO FEE0 STORE, We kfep constant) v Dn hand BREAD, CRACKRvS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We RhaM also keep a supply ot GOLD DUST PLOÜR. J. KT. Í3wift & Co. 'a Best White Whet ï"lour, Rye Flour , Buckwheat Flour, Corn BCeal, ired, &c, &c, &c At Wholesale nd Ketnil. A eenend stock 01 (JE00EKIE& aND PEOVIBIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonablc Lerjns as M any otlicr house ín the cXly. liÈCash paid for Butter, EfjKS, and Country Produce tírenerullv. ÖT"Good Deüvered to anv part of the city w'h nut extn charore. íCíumpt & Sealolt. 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easiiy MadeWe want many men, women, boys, and girlsto work for us a few hours daüy, riglit in niid around tlielrown homes. 'l"i i e. business is ensy, pleasant, ■tricilv boHorable, nd mi betterthan anyotlier ollered agenta. n iiai a clear field nnd no oompetltion. Experieuce and special ability unnecessary. lío capital required. We equip you With everythlnj! tfmt you need, treat yoft well, and help you to earn ten limes ordlnarf wages. Women dö as vell as men, and boys and girls makegood paj'. Anyone, mywhere. cun ilo tlie work. All Biicoeeü wlio folíow ourplain and simple dlrections. Barnest work will surely bring yon a great deal of money. Everytliing is new and In great demand. Write for oiir pamphlet etroular, and receive full informaMön. . harm done f you conclude not to go on wltli the Georce Stinson&Co., Box 438, ÏPORTLAMD, WIAINE. HH CUBES iWHtREALL ELSEfAILS. ff U Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Q In tlina Sold by druggieta. JJM


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News