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Schairer & Millen

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SPRING OPENING AT THE BUSY STORE OF SCHAIRER & MILLEN. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. SILKS- HERE IS A LIST THAT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE. 2,000 Yards Plain and Figured China Silks all New Styles suitable for Waists and Dresses, all go at 25c a yd. 500 Yards Printed China Silks, worth 50c, all go at 39c a yd. 1,000 Yards Japanese Silks, light and dark grounds, 24-inch wide, lovely for Waists and Dresses, worth 75c, all to go at 50c a yd. 500 Yards Cheney's 27-inch Wash Silks, dark and light grounds, Small Figures, worth $1.00, our price 75c a yd. Plain White Habutai Wash Silks at 45c a yd. Black and Colored Moire Silks, good value at 75c a yd, our price 50c a yd. Great Bargains in Black Silks at 50c, 75c and $1.00 a yd. BLACK DRESS GOODS. All Wool 40-in Serges, Henriettas and Cords, worth 50c and 60c. all go at 39c. 46-inch All Wool Black Imported Serges, wort 75c, to go at 50c a yd. 46-inch Union Twills, Serges and Henriettas at 25c a yd. Colored Dress Goods Double Fold Mixed Flannels in Black. Navy Green and Brown at 15c a yd. 45 inch Pure Wool Stripe Dress Goods, good value at 50c, our price 29c a yd. 40-inch All Wool Mixtures and Spring Suitings at 39c a yd. 25 Pieces Newest Shades Henriettas and Serges at 39c a yd. 45-inch Pure Wool Imported Serges, Worth 75c, for 50c a yd. 75 Ladies New Spring Cambric Wrappers the latest cut, worth $1.25 for 98c each. New Spring Capes Jackets and Wraps. We have been receiving daily for the past week many leading styles in neat, nobby and serviceable Jackets and Capes. We want you to know the styles we show are not surpassed in this city, while the prices are very low. SCHAIRER & MILLEN, Leaders of Low Prices.