Some embryo orators of the high school uiscussed the Wilson Bill, Piiday. Miss Jennie Diew has been visiting in Detroit the past two weeks. E. C. McCarthy spent Sunday with friends at Detroit. M. O Straight moved into his new gallery, over Wortley's store, this week. Bert N. Goodell bought a lot in Normal Park Addition and intends to erect a line residence the coming summer. Prof. Barbour, of the Normal, lectured at the Congregational church on Hamlet, Tuesday evening. A Bicycle club has been organized by Ypsilanti wheelmeu the past week. Judge Grant, of the supreme court, will deliver a tempenuice address at Cleary hall on Suuday af ternoou, April 15th. Prof. Wilber Jíower, a former studeut and gradúate of the Normal, has been engaged as physical instructor in the new "Gym," which is about to be opened. Gus Fmgerle went to Dalton. Ga., to visit his wife, who is spending the winter there. Frank Keiler, af this city," knocked out Sutton. of Chelsea, in one round at Dexter last Thursday. Nelson Lewis, of Aun Arbor. delivered an address to the S. C. A. at the Normal, Sunday afternoon. Major Henry C. Dane will deliver a lecture at the high school sometime in the near future. A band of glass blowers with a "Punch and Judy" show and other attractions, are exlïibiting in the Dolson biock this week. Frank Keiler, of thia city, has been matched to a finish fight with ''Yank" Kenney, of Detroit, for a purse of $250 a side. .. The Y. M. C. iV. has closed up shop. At a meeting held Friday evening it was decided to discontinue the work for the present. The hard times was given as the principal reason for closing, but they probably thought they we re not needed. since the election turned out as it did. The Lady Maccabees gave a banquent at their hall Tuesday evening. The Epworth League have elected the following oflicers: President, B. H. Comstock; vice-presidents, Susie Gore, Eva Switzer, Prof. Jackson and Ida McFarlaue; secretary, C. E. Bovee: treasurer, F. Simmons.