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The farmers are busy sowing oats regardless of the incleinent weather. Tliey say if they wait until it gets any waruier the spring rains willcommence and either drown out ttie jats or else inake thetn wait until it is too late in the season to sow and get a goot) erop. Toa man on the fence, it would seeui like "llobsoirs choice,'" whether they waiteel fov better weather and have the oats drown or sow now and have them freeze to death. Geo. Hammond has moved onto his new farm which he bought of Mr. Crofoot, of Lodi Plains. Another good demoerat added to our ranks. Martin Cook has hired out to James Allen, on the Whitmore Lake road, for the coming year. He moved his farnily and goods out there last week Wednesday. Geo. Rentz has rentfed the Kerr farm and has just taken possession. Mrs. Carrie Wallace was appointed admininistrator of her husband's estate. She will also be the guardian of her two minor daughters, Hope and Violet. The town board at their last meetinsr appointed Philip Blum,jr., census enumerator for the townslup. John GroƱ has sold his personal property and he will move his family ! to Ann Arbor where he expects to catch the "nimble nickels" byteam-! ing. Geo. Dold, sr., is on the sick list and has been obliged to hire a man to take his place on the farm.