Rainy and cold so far this week. Süme of the things that the Milanite.s ent are selling as follows: cabbage 2 cents a head, eggs 10 cents pcrdoV.en. butter 21 cents per pound, cheese 16 cents per pouml, lard 12 cents per pound. Mrs. A. Hitchcock,the Depnty Great Oommander ot the L. O. T M., organizad a hive at Maybee,Thursday evening. E. E. Tripp and wife are entertaining guests trom Trenton. G. R. Williams gave Aun Albor a cali VVednesday. Dr. Pyle visited Ann Arbor "Wednesday. The village is being greatly improed in the line oL sidewalks. Rev. J. Ward Stoue delivered a yery iuterestiug sermón at the Baptist churcli Sunday evening to a large and appreciative audieneè, the tirst of a series of sermoos to be delivered on the -Young People of the Jiible." The Fresbyterian ladies will hold their tea social Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Gaylor's residence on County itreet. Mr. Mai'vilsky and faniily wil! move to Ouio tliis week. .]. Lockwood has pwrchased Mrs C. Crandle's bause and lot on Couiity streel and will move this week. Chas. Ganntletthascommenced work on liis line residence on West Main street. The Baptist lailies will indulge in a New England supper at tlie church parlors Tliursday evening. Rev. and Mrs. J. Swindt's 40th anniversary was noticed ii the shape oí' a surprise last Monda; evening given by his cougregation who canie witli goocl wishes and substantial remembrance. Tlie evening was an enjoyable one to all eoncerned. .Miss M. A. ralnierreturned Tuesday írom a week's sojourn with friends in Ilolly. Frank Swindt is visiting friends in Jackson. Miss May Reynolds, of Detroit, and Miss May Taylor, oi' Bay City, are the guests of their grandiuollier, Mis. A. Taylor, this week. Next week the Star Chapter will indulge in a social at the masonic temple, Tuesday evening, and a nice program and ielreshments are some of the leatures ot: the evening, we beliéve.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News