Wlas Becorendl While You Wait. + QFTËNTIHES "r brella handle and frame, but the cover is past further usefulness. IN SUGH CASES We can be of service to you. At nu expenditnre of a DOLLAR (IR MOM You eau get a first-class COVER Put on which will rnake your Ümbrella woi'th as much as ever. EGONOMY in these days ia a good thing to practice. Wli y not save a DOLLAR OR TWO in this easiest of all ways? E. F. Mills & Go. 20 S. MAJEN STREET. Wli at we Lave in store for the little girls. To every ])urehaser of a child's hat to the amount of $2 or more a atylish little doll's hat will be given. SCHOOL HATS ]n Grent Varieiy and at Reasonaple Pricss J. M. MORTON, 1 O E. Washington St WE ARE THE PEOPLE. We ha-, e ime of the most complete h W Dtug Stores in the country. Our Prescription Department is 8 complete in every respect. We will I not be undetsold by any druggist ín H Atui Arbor. The reputalioñ ol the past is suffi cient that only the Choicest, Freshest S and Purest Medicines have always I i been a special feature of this I ij liíhment, and dispensed with I E lacy, nentntsi and dispatch. i I -i Y ij Ja II UUtlU llillll ü I Drug; Store.
Ann Arbor Argus
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