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Hot Battle Expected

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Lansing, April 11.- In the trial of ex-Secretary uf State Joehiui Tuesday the proseciition did not waver in an j attempt to show that the defendant oould not have been as ignorant and as ; innocent of the nianipulation of the returns upon the salaries amendmeut as he pleads. Evidënce was introdueed to show that messengers went with a letter of introduction to county clerks 6igned by Jochiin personally with a request that tbey be allowed to make a comparison of the returns with the record; that the tabulation was made finally in his private office where the work of the elerks lay two weeks before being promulgated: that Jochiin made three attempts atafinalcanvass before final action which involved three distinct trips to Lausing: that in view of the general belief tha} tlie amendmentshadnotcarried. and the interest thathe personally would have in im-reasing his salary trom S80U to $3.000 per year would i-ender it very unlibely that he could be wholly ignorant of the falsity of the canvass as signed and publiehed. It appears also to be a part of the program of the prosecution to place a sufficient ïiumber of county clerks upon the stand to impeach the oanvass and exclude any possibility that that was au honest error. ] The indications and ttie temper of counsel point to a very hot battle.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News