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A Son Stabs His Father

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Bay City. April 11.- Williara Fcx, pvoprietor of the Quannicassee House u Quannicassee, returned home from his city Monday night and tiot into an ltercation with his son, Harry, about aking care of the oow. After sonie vords Harry went to bed, but his mothr took his part, telling her hnsband aat he was uot to blame. The two had ome words and Mrs. Fox went out of lie house. Fox went after her, but vas met at the door by Harry, who tabbed him in the breast, the knife n tering about two inches above the ïeart and cutting a wound about three nches long. Harry then ran out of the ïouse, and in a few moments his mothr returned. She found Fox in a swoon nd thonght he waa dead. She ran to larm sonie neighbors. but it was neary an hour before any one reached the )lace. Dr. Sutherland, from this city, was cal led to attend the man and he beieves that he wil] recover.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News