puiaai LadiessH I The Secret : J J Of e E i I Fair Face fc j Is a f Beautiful I Skin1 I Sulphur Bitters j ï Wiil give you l ; A lovely ? ; Complexion. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., f or best medical work publishuiL MlCH IGAN (TbNTRAL " The Niágara Falís Route." T1METABLE (Revked) FEBRUARV 11, 14. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. f Ts i gT ' 'S 2 i r i O "SS i";2 i ïyT'.lT "Tl ' "g ss ü L I : 3S --fl as. q t-t-xoc c-i Ij? 'SSS1" ."ü d d ■ ■ aC ii. ■ c S ! í 19 to c cp - -.oeeo ; a = TTi : :=g L I SB-.: :T1 2 8 ; 3 i :2g !S8 iS ; : ;SS ■Ts TH Tal 5 IBS :': : : : s Ka '' '&i -cöcsi' ; ; ; a si ss i ; ;ss ;ss 5 Ls? : s ; ; ;ss ■ass:: :ea haiga : :: . S3 ; : ;S2 :LS L gs SS ■ i '■:&% Til" il 7TT I 1 í j I i ü Nr . !! y S ! i !i H i : i i IÍ i ! ;í=i . 'j o S.S8S i3-2 i.-sSS !LS i Basa .i liigJteït O.W. RUGGLE8, H. W HAYES, (S P T. Aípnt.Ohtrawo. A(f't Ann A-ior. A TOLEDO p. ■fim Ann arboW i -riíNORTH MICHIGAN? 'jJyRAILWAY. - ' " : ;, .w;LI .i tí I íj Utt Kycity ,4.B Ft.Vayue.yi -wTttQP'-c .?i TIME: TABIE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Ann Albor. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. 7:)5a. m. 12:15p. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. I 9:00 p.m Trains run between Ann Arborand Toledo only. W H BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Oliio. Airent. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUXTY O ol Washtenaw. The undersiRned hnving been ippointed by the Prohatc Court lor said Countv, comiuiBSioners to receive, examine and adiust'all claims and deruands of all pc-rsons igainst the estáte of John V. Hunt, late of said coiiuty, iiece:iBed, hereby give noute that six montlis froin date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court lor creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said de.ceased. and that Ihey wil] meet at the office of Elihu B. Pond, itne city of Ann Arborin said county, ob Die 21stay of May and ou the 20th day of August next, at teao'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive, examine and a'ljust said claims. Dated Februarv 20th, 1804. " EL1HU U. PONU. LEONHA1ÍD 6RUNEB, Comniissioners. Estáte of Amos Hicks. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COILNTY ol Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Friday, the siith rtay of April, in the year one thousHUd eighi hundred and ninety fyprêent,J. Willard Babbitt.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot Amos Hicks, Herman A.Hkks, the administrator de bonis non ot said etate, comes into court and represent that he is now prepared to render his IHial account as such admmistrator. Thereupon t is ordered that Tuesduy, the eight day ot May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned tor examining and allowiug such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other perBons int.erested in said estáte, arerequired toappearutasegfionof said court.then to be holden at ihe Probate office, mthecity of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, ïfany there be, why the Baid account should not be ítllowed: And it ia further ovdered, that said administrator give notice to the persons intereüted in said estáte ot tbe pfndency of said account, and the hearing thereol, by causing a copy of this order to bc pubhehed in the ANN Arbor AnGU8,a newspaper printed andcirculating in said county, tbree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. .1. WILLAHD BA BBITT, ( A. truc copy. ) Judge of Probate . Wiujaji ü DOTV. Probate Reeister.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News