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Chüdren Cryfor Pllcher's Castoria. Grand Opening I wil! give my Spiing Opening Thursday, it will pay you to step in aml see our line display of HATS tiimmed and iritrimnied. MRS. A. M. 0TT0, Cor. 4tli Ave. and E. Wash. LOUIS ROEDE, CoalandWood Lebigli Valley Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beech and Maple Blocks, $2.20 a cord. Beecli and Maple, 4 feet, $5.00 a coi'd. Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards - 50 West Huron Street. Sheriff s Sale. TWOTICE IS HEKEBV GIVEN THAT BY 1' virtueof a wric of íieri facías, issucd out. of tin: Circuit Court lor the County of Washtena.w, in the sta'e of Michigan, m favor of James A. Jaycox, Bgainst the joods and chattelsand real estáte of Adolph Hoffstetter, in said county, ti me direeted and delivered, 1 did on the lift li dayof Febrnaiy, A. D. isi4. lery upon and take all the right, title and interest of the said Ipli Hoffstetter in and to the lollovvin desoribed real estáte, that is to say: All those certain pleces or pareols of land, sit uated and beiny on section twentyniue !&)'. in townshlp number two (2) south of range numbersix (Bi east, State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows. viz: Beglnnins m the rcenter of a hlehway leading westei Iy out of the city of Ami Arbor, known as the Ener white road, t hreeand onehalf rods westerly tmin tlie soutb-east corner of six acres sold by John Allen and nis wife to James Klngsleyon flrst day of February, A. D. 1886, and running t henee westerly alonir eaid roati four rods; thence north one ana one-fourth degrees east six ehainsand fortyfive links: thence north seventy live degrees easl parallel to the road tliirty-three links or so tliat a course tiorth 'two chaina and eigbty links will strike the land formerly owni'd by Jacob Kempf ona chaln and one link wetteiiy of the north west corner of land formerly owneil by Geoifre Granvilla: thence easterly parallel to the road to said Granville's land; tlienee south three ohains to another corner of the said laml formerly ownedBj the said Gtranvllle; thence westerly parallel to the road about thirty-six links: ttience aoutli twodesrees and thlrty minutes weat six chains and twenty-flve links tn tinplaceof heninnlne, heingthp pame land that was OOnveyed to Daniel Murray by ('liarles Bielober by deed of conveyanoe dated the eicluli day of January, 1852. and recdVded in the offioe of the Ketrlster of for t liCou'Ty of Washtenaw, in Líber :(■; of Deeds on paKe 790: Also tha1 certain plece or parcel of land sttsateand heingon section tweotynlne iSS in townshlp 1 wo i2i soutli of ranife p'ix (til east, Smir of Michigan. knowD, bounded and desoribed as rollows. Tte.: Bruinnin in the een ter of the nitfliway leadlng westerlv out of city of Ann Arbor. known as the Eber White road, one chain snd eifrbty-seven and huif links westerly along the center of %nid road frotn the snth east corner of si acres old bv John Allen and wlfe to James KlnpKley OU February first. lStii, and runninu: theixe westerly alomr said road four rods; theiee north parallel to the east line oí Kingsley's purchase stx chains aud sixty-üre links: thence 4 asrerly parallel with the White i-oad 8lity-two and one-half liuks: thence north tyo chalns and sixty links: thence east,ei!y i.aralui with the White road one chaia and one link or huif way to SeorgeQranvllle's ' rorii'i : tlienee soutli paralfel to theeast Une I of the tCIngsley puichase two chains and eisbiy links; thence westerly parallel to the White road tlnrty-three links orsofar that a eourse south one dojjroe and flfteen minutes west will strike the of bcKinninift and from tlienee south one degree aml fifteen minutes west sii and forty-flve links to the place of beirinniiifr. AH of wbicb 1 shall expose to -a Ie at public auction or retidue to the hieheet bidder at the south of the Couri Btousein theolty of Ann Arbor ia said county, that betng the place f bolding the circuit court fortlièsaid county of Washtenaw. on Saturday, the tAvfiity-first day of April, A. D. 1S94, next, at ten oolock in tin1 foreu)on of that tl a y. Dated this lirsl d:iy of March, A. D. 1894. THOS. I'. CBONARD, .1. W. Hkvnett. Deputy Sheriff. Attorney. Notice to Creditors. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY j yO ' ' Waáhtfiííiw. ss. Notiee iu hereby given, I tti M' au onier nf [he Probate Oourt for the Couniy f Wsslitenaw. mude on the 16th dayof Marcl, A. 1). 1SM, six raunths from that date were alloved tor Pre1itors to present ïheir claima air;)u vt theestate of Kl".abeth MeGuinness,Iate 01 situi founty. dece;ised, !ind that all ereditors ei' 8iirl decpased are n'quireci to present t heir claims to said Probate Coiirl, at the Probate Office in the city of Aud Arbor, forexamtnaiion andallowance, on'or before the lith day of September next, and that such cliiims will beheard before said Coart on the Ifith day of June, and on the löth day of September next, at ten o'clock iu the foTenoon of eaoh of said days. Dutei Ann Arbor, March 15, A. D. 189tJ.WILLARD BABBITT, Tudge ol Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
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