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Nineteen Special Sales In One

Nineteen Special Sales In One image
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yAíy SúrV A Grand Culmination to the Season's Bargain Giving- Resplendent with remarkable retailing- with thousands oí notable novelties and necessities heretofore unseen on any retail counter- with hundreds of special parchases picked up on the dull markets and reserved to this eventful Bpoch. The next two weeks will be- Bargain Time- Buy ing time--Saving time- Your Time at Mack & Schmid's. "B"mm'w. Our Dress Goods Department _ __ OÍ z-iín Q 1 n rAs Q fli'OOr Cíln íllwavs be depended apon new, original and exclusive styles and fabarttS J JQLD jyJQÜJN. jKlbyjXJll rics and prices that are just right. This is particularly and strongly emphalTnT1T On 111 11 IV ïlïinflfi Tílllllffl "f"""1"" SímÍss FaMes rrr;:Lf=r:: M' fll MB lili V1Y depend upon that. Every worthy weave, every stylish shade, every choice ' '1 3 - %my 4J conceit, find the way to our counters within a few days after the weavers take J them from tlieir looms. Many exclusive novelties are to be found only here, Vn4- 100 Pieces Choice Figured Satines, latest fepnng at The gtore Styles, the same ([uaüty as above atthe same price, ■ These are the Standard (xoods vou pay 6c for 9 3-4c, A Key Note lo OUr Ieijiarkable poings. everywhere. _______ ín Colored Foreign Dress Fabrics, of Wool, new Wool Tailor Suitings, - - - - NewSpFa,,, that are worth more than half a JO M tatK ïll "Rl O pt ) h taughtyou to expect dollar, mnch more, can be bought for.half a dolar, .t bfime J A NC Y MI XI L .b T. V JlCtU Jtt. meh far yonr money in The Store's to buy . We refer to 25 pieces of mdescent Fatte bmtmgs, ated 4 n va.ue ji p g g r giá b)a;k yom. that have never been sold as low as oc a yard, which we gtfïk Yom dloice tls sale 000 í fnde8t WÜ1 b mOre place in this sale at 2ÍH'. V VVViO j than realizecl here in this Sale. .Ui-hu-Jt. all Wool Dress Goods. New style and colora, 50c Q.Q fT in valué, while they last, 24f. C5Í -'{6-Jnch Black - Imperial serge, Imperial Storm Serge, Ger.... „ , man Fancies in neat designs, worth np to 85c. A remarkable Doublé Fold all Wool Bres, Flmnels. A big lot all colore, _ - , - = chance, at 49c. this sale, 19c. } _ T ll L 50-Inch Covert Suiting, 50-inch Storm Serge, 46-ioch Wool 1500 Yard American Cashmeres. Black and colors, 19c. j)0 NuOPC Q VlCSt ( )0 'CCülOríQi Heni'ietta. 50-inch fine Imperial Serge the Straight $1.00 36-lnch Half Wool Dress Goods. The 25c quality, this J U O J i J kinds at 75c , 19, 4- Fieces lilack ■ JSovelty Goode, 1. Pieces Black and Wlnte saie, ítc. i TITniTT finnTUTn fiTTirn CouPlcd with The store"s Plaids and Stnpes, in valué up to $1.25 a yard, at 65c. 36-lnch IMf Wool Dress Goods in new faney and stnpes ] I 11 V Ll U I 11 1 Vil 1 best values have combined , . and plaids, in valué, 25c, 16c. H W XPK V U i to increase, M. & 8.' pro.f"Jlfs ' Ck l l')(?ft finches F „ _,, , . lililí ll 11 I 11 1 IVll. verbial Sük prestige, and wide, $2.oO valué, bale pnce $2.00. Thow 39c Fcmcu Dress Goods have made us tamoVis. We JLIJLJ II KJJL llXlli UlUlXUi t &'. .7 Ík 11 mmwl, to suodIy our trade We bnnS the Sllk business Priestleis Black Lrystal Cord. 1.50 valué, Sale pricé, could not buy them tast enough to supply ox t mdc We - . of . practieally impossible to duplif 135. have received another b.g invoice ot them and the last e can & eig when &re .g & .and ]()t of MQ get. Easily a 75c valué, we let them go at 39c. pieces gti.ped . hangeable Pecotine Crystals, Glace SatPrieétléfé Black Silk Warp Valué 81.50, Sale ■Sük and Wool-Fancy Mixtures. Iridescent Fancies, ins in Stripes and Brocades, Striped and Jacquered Meralleaux, Printed and pnce $1.35. changeable mixtures. Nothing better at a dollar a yard. Brocha Surahs. This seasoirs importation, goods that sell freely at 85c,90c, PriestUifs Black Drap de Aln.a. $1.56 valve, at $1.35. They cannot be duplicated at the price, 49c. fl.00 and #1.25, 69c. PHestlns Black Silk Worp. Henriettas. $1.50 valúe, at - Trh r,n ITnhlt C!loth. 64-lnch. all Wool Fancy . - ■ $1.35. t)j,_l( ff, . i iW ir iW 1 j-iAWU vut"" --■-'. - -' ■■ - j ■■ w "-- -■"- Mixtures. A large variety to select f rom. A positive 80c _ . -__ . ■■ HUURH MIH Prlcstleys Slik Wurp. Henriettas. $1.50 valué, at % 1.25. valué, will be sold at 45c. Rí APk AHH iMVíl Mí IKK NI K Iv " PriesÜeyh Sük Warp. Henriettas. $1.35 valué, at f 1.00. JMüA 3iUU uULUIUiÜ IiIUUUj ulLLN a.mfi.oo. , . , , , , ,, i t. a „„wi 16 Pieces Blttók Serqe, 42 inchos wide, cut for this Sale, TTVTrrrT rrnoa rrrxQ[ Are very scarce and in g''eat demand but the' are here in sreat and vaned from ? t -lIlAvlSn iKrjJVA taUUIJvn assortment, and at prices altogether different from what yon pay elsewhere. " z, ' ' 7 ,, , ,, JJt)L) U IVJ QÍ? Va VVLH?. A fe ]ine . rf wegk 0Q and y5c 3Ö iW. j „e and PlnaL Black Grenadine, were 1 30c. Cut for this sale to 12Jf. These are only a tithe of the tempting tilinga that await __ _ . 5 Pieee FUid Black NwSs Veiling. Sold for 40c. Cut your coming. The richest and rarest creations, and all ot for tliis Sale to 25c them. No possible chance of duplicating these values. BLACK AND COLOKED CRYSTAL BENGALINE, JBrmch Organdíes in the loveliest designs and shades, all Pre Silk and Wool, not Cotton valué, $1.20, C9c. Èf && J.aP fresh and new. They are being sold for 75c. You get them _ Wool Dresg Good8_SergeBj Hem.iettilS) Mohair85 Albatross for 45c. TT ■■' Weaves, Nun's Veiling, etc., etc., 25c to $1.00. zus tt - - - - - A Big Dr i ve. 8pMd vame, --t rjrjx ü White Dotted Swiss, 50c, 45c, 30c and 25c, now 1 5c. for gale t Scotch Zephyrs. Brocaded styles, very handsome and suitManufacturers' Samples, about 18 yards in a piece, comprising J. D. Cut___ _________-______________- __ able summer wear, valué 15 or 20c, only 10c. ter's line of every shade. Satin Stripes, Changeable Surahs, Fancy Stripes, , o e Air i. a t íi a Gros Grains, a niaenih'cient collection froni this great Silk House.' Ín valué, TDTDri TT PrT rTTT Tri TrV (7 rU TTQi Jinglish Duele Sutiing for Waists and Dresses, dark and & $15 IdKIJ lDll) IíUT i) EOR IÖ1 1 U hght effeets, 10c All these delicate shadés are guaranteed to wash, Folies du Nords. You'll find them in no other house iti the . . i i ' ín ,Mt nr nnra Mi. "" " "" - - - - - - - -- - - Dontby anvthing in Bojidciotli except the city, for no oneelsewill meet om pnce, 10c. 25 PÍECESGROS GRAÍ1Í 3 3 %- S5 Pieces Percales. New designs and pretty for Shirts, ÜÜ 1 11N JJ U UillbUU . All colora and shades. They can't ÍOO353 Waists and Dresses, Oc. New Spring shades', pure silk and be duplicated for doublé tnis" Sale's D , ,, . . , .„ . . ñmlfttki, „, 7 ■„ .. ., -,01 „1 w 1 & 5 1 r Brand, lt has no equal aml will not soot. líroauclotlis 111 U Pieces Blaeh Satines, the 120 valué, 7fc a good %1 00 sellei, While they last price. While they last lí]uck and ftU Co]orJ the $1 ;]5 qualityj g, oo 0 A'iN. m,,, dark and light grounds, ombre stripes they are LQ QC g and silver grey, very choice, 10c. mu „7 , n-, . o , _ák & J' _, ... , ._. for Capes. They are 90c in valne. This #ale, 5Oc. Amoskeag (ringhams. The very best here, only at ,c. UADIITIA CU 1 plack Grenadines. HAdU I IA olLlVí ______ (0 yards bought at a bargain, .w..- - - waaTa muMJjjmM- - iiMiiM- wtiMJiM uiimiiiiiiii ■un gBB-arfiiiJHW piain and fancy weaves. f 1.00 bought for this sale. The valué is 85c. i""" 3d Special. yalue at O!)o Buy what you want while it lasts for 4th Special. . - - ■ - 45c. 5 Cases 1 Yard Wide. Wise women will come early and secure some of these Values: 50O Yards Best IDlnnnlin { 4" L"V% Olí 1 HJI 1 II I C Nothing more beautiful for even-m+' -i a'jL-mm -jév -rM'k' isieacnea ootton. SILIV lYIULLS : hgm, aQd bCst of n, they pUKftAfft The 8c quality. are so cheap. We have them in all shades, 45 inches wide, at 45c. pol. Q0]]ar y o 1,000 YardS Printed India Silk, the kind yon buy for 39c, Sale price, 24c. .i f I Tf OTZ)TipT A T ■ 1'1'"'1'' lmi: 10 Regu'ai' 85c I Ltv Oí J_jUlrJ - valué. Bought for this Sale to aell at 55c. mJLmmMm m I This is no starched or cheap Cotton, it is soft finished, White and Cream W#sh Silk in Indias, Taffetas, Surahs, Failles Surah heavy and closely woven. Grace and Stripe, Check and Figures. Wash.Silks. Trices, 29c, 35c, You pay 2oc a yard for it evervwliere. ■M „ ,„ i, u - ■iMBauMI, ■„, ..., 4c, and 69e


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