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19 Special Sales In One!

19 Special Sales In One! image
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The Splendid Success of Our Spring Sales- now in the middle of their glory- is the highest tribute that could be paid to M. & S. price-making power.- To equal the sales of the country's most prosperous years would be a proud boast for any mercantile house in the country- at present prices it would mean one-third more in the amount of goods sold.- To go beyond this- to largely increase our sales in dollars and cents is the grand achievement of The Store and stamps it the foremost factor in commercial preeminence in the State. eth special. kMKuawf, " Siivsr FhGtBgrapïLrrain es 6thsPeciai. values. Here are all the Paris ideas in Not "Soit Soap" but oort hard 0 1 5,000 Ta CY igKS CASwtïoA T SSSSÏg il 500 Dozen best 6 ent Bourdon Laces with insertions, to J riO I I U U ril - ttCN ■P" 1 % IX" 1 9kl 4 match, freBu trom the ships side and N J [ JS U A Al H 1 C DÍ) 1 1 1 C F O f - ML 1 Bl ï offered at Ow-Third their actual valueAVorth 15c a Cake. For 5 days we AX1W H ü l II K h H I , H h h I eVIBlV9 at 98c, 87c, 73c, 60c, -5c, 47e and Íí5c. will sell this soap 2 Bars for MannfaoturPrs Samnlfiq Butter Color Pointe de Ireland Laces iVianUiaCtUrerS öampieS . 6 inch wide 14c. Butter Color Pointe! f-- rri rn tlhft Tna.TK!GTj L1 de Ireland Laces Oinches wide, 18c. L, -v AI ... 7 1CI1VCU. . . . I 9 JB Butter Color Venetian Laces, valué _ fc ■ B . ■■ ,_-B 60c, 40c. Butter Color Venetian J . J - Cm C X{V2V Laces, value 75o, 55c. " m ■ J i Butter Color Venetian Cape Laces, in i value $1.50, 97c. ALL OVER LACE Sale Comniences Wednesday, April . TV.;-, q Voa+ViPr Prnnf Tilrinrr -tlip 27 inehes wide reduced trom 65c to 17, on which day you will see displayed PPTiTR Itll IS a eatner riOOl ene 19c LATOSCALACE for Capesandin our window a fac-simile of the ' ' ■rxtJ--Ci' best 18c value. trimmings 45 inehes wide value $1.7ö,BKOOKLYN BRIDGE with moving A large assortment of gauze fans, Eacll aild all Of them. VOU Want. $1.25. Laces for Dresses Plaii-i and car and cables built of Pure White with hand paihted floral designs. -,---, Fancy figured at asavingof opercent. Castile Soap. Feather Fans.. I apáñese Fans, all sizes. aammÊmÊ Oíin Tlíl7PH FflQtPr'Q YA R-lflVPQ 7th Special. t HANDKERCHIEFS. dUU JJUZiÖll 1 U J L Ö I D J1U. UlUYUlJ. -r JJ 1 T"1 T A big lot of Handkerchiefs has come to us in an unusua: r i. v -o j ti i y %4 iOTl ftll $) [P H I Apl O il Pil way. We will sell for 2 weeks 75 dozen Ladies' Pure Linen.. Colors-Englis h Red , Brown fy fí S J_J W A-Ö VLCLJ.O JLJUÜCLLAXOU. heistitched handkercliiefs, embroidered initials, splendid 25c and Tan. The $1.00 SV$ijf "■-_. 1 value, for 12c. ity. We will sell them VJL? V &W 1 WhnOTl'nrP ö - . ' c-n t . -, ,,-,■„ i , i dnring this sale for LN Oiltt UlllL . JMJ 1 Yard Wide i '5 dozen Silk Embroidered Chiíion handkerchiefs, very rich. CD value 35c, for 19c. fiQp nr=-- i- - t i Irish Embroidered Handkerchiefs " tffc-slr - !&l _C _ _T :No lestriction in the amount Swiss Embroidered " " „ , _ , _ „,, Lt3 y Ij - you purchase. 1 French Embroidered " " W Snuif ester i ÍÍJ 8 i " : . . . : : : : : : : : : : ::■ t,"!,?rs ral ir"m - - - For Two Weeks. MOIRE RIBBONS. T?ZMrMÍ rpTTTJi T "Q rOTGíT?'T' JN meteen Cents, 19c, 19c, for Handkerclnefs worth up to 7c T CT d. Pi 1 "Rl ffnn TTlfl IXlüld. U. OXtöXLli a great sale of Moire Ribbons- _, __ J-iar_VO ft-X earl UUbtOIl 1.1Q. Made by the Manufacturera of the 1J. Moire Ribbons are a fashionable eraze. r inirni á vrn UFIITCH TTinp)lir]1 i 1) fite Gloves, very stylish, in all the new Spring Shades. This grset. jtoy egantEcJ Fonn JJ A iMJ IVIEjíN IJWlJMïïMK, sale, 91 .5O. pnce the next .lavs will le t)c. 25c, now 15c. The good reliable kind that wears wel!, that jggjtek " , ,.T. , ,, .' T-... , . , fits as if it were made for you. The prices are Jh%U. 500 DOZEN LADIES' BLACK SILK-The kind we sold ____ Wide pure Moire Ribbow, in value, made for you thafs mre_ JLadies, co[Ilbination ff WW for 35c, are heavy and pure Silk. This sale, 25c. C&r "W Egyptian Ribbed Suits, white and Ecru, AOv. JÊM% EVENING GLOVES All lengths in Kid and Silk; all sizes fi IPt. Wide pure Moire Ribbons, in value, Ladies' heavy Jersey Ribbed Shirts, Ribbond and shades. vïSVMfa s&ïlih-rL$n ti5c, now 5Oc. Crochet Finish, 15c. Ladies' Lisie Thread Vests, [M 7 !mW W&0WA Big lot Millinery Ribbons. Scarce white, ecru and pink, 50e. Ladies' Lisie Thread mfv-xïl 4TKÍf-r imÊ' IX IL Shade Ribbons, at 10c, 15e, 25c, Combination Suits, black and ecru L N. N. S. g VEl -SN GS. 1 mA 85e and sSeworth u to T5c. ' & H N. N S W.OO. Lades' Egyptia,, ■ "J Ata U.""! ""y- . 7jl Equestnenne Tights, black and ecru, .Oc. kil L ,T ... T. , _.,, T11 . = &_ jMk -- - - - - - - -- - - djeg, pjne (auze Vests and Pants, 25c. Ladies' TgrQ " ï-otïï.1:,, 40e. a„a 5. ___■ -" jM tót Sewing Silk' Veilings at ..... 2c. - 1 25c. Mens' fine heavy Ballbriggan Shirts and Drawers, silk Black Veilings, Fish Net and Illusion, . . . XUC AKJ RCKifl High-SPliced heel doublé toes fine fihished, 5Oc. Mens' Normal Sanitary Shirts and Drawers, 15c, 20c, 25c and 3Oc. O ö L UHil ULiIU. gauge, 35c quality, 24c. Ladies' Fast extra quality, 50c. Boys' natural color Shirts and Drawers, Black heavy Hose, 15c. Ladies' 6 to 1 years, 25c ! ildren's Fine Egyptian Vests 25c Her Majes's Corsets, tÏÏÉtZÈ&fSZ cy stripe; Gray, Mixed, rownf d Jg1 ÏSJtZliïiL.lme Wo' Vests' White Drab and Black or figure outline-charming style Slate, 15c. Unhmited assortment. and absolute comfort and ease of Misses' Hose, Boys' Hose, Infants' -A ,. ir j F. D.-White, Drab and Black Corsets. motion-And the little one, how j Mi8, and heavy A Mhn IJnder WCQr. DR. WARNER'S White, Drab and Black Corsets. SSSftys reguUSSní woolHose. Ladies' Silk Plaited, f Ladies' Night Robes, V shaped and DR. SCHELLING'S White, Drab and Black Corsets. of thé. mother - The Equipoise rocco, White, Bronze.' Tan Black and high neck, value 75c, now 50c. THOMFSON'S Glove-Fitting Corsets. Walst is sensible. Made by pink 1 , Ladies" White Skirts, tucked, dee' W V C White Drab and Black Corsets George Frost Co., Boston. __ hem, value 75, sale price, 45c. W. C. L. - White, mab anü Llack oiset.. _. Ladiea' Swiss Ribbed Corset Covers. DR. WARNER-S Corset Waists. Slik WmdSOr n a . o white and ecru, value 40c, sak - T 50 doz. Fancy, all Silk Ties, value 25c, V-CA S price, 25c. rzZTJ Culing Irons, 15c value, " now 12c. White Muslin Aprons, í- li &%MWi --fc%á Ladie8' Mtíslin Corset Covers, the Kid Cnrlers, per dozen, ÏOv. iq J5? O, 25, 50, and 75c. C- :'' " ínliiíñi'iSiitJJÍ 35c kind, sèlling this sale, 18c. Madame Louies' Hair Crimper, per bunch, . . 5c. Silver and Gold Hair Ornaments, Iffi-silF Fruit "of the Loom Drawers, tucked and edged with. lace, 35cTape Lines" with Fearl, 1O, 25, 50, 75c, $1, . W g Value, this sale, 19c. . ,.,',, x„ 851.25 and $1.50. Shell Hair Pins w - ________-- . ___.___--- Vasahne, large bottles, _ __Black Sheil and Amber, 10, 18, . ñ (fu S 777777 KokoJelly, .... - 25, 50c and f 1,OO. ( Jk ifc o W hlte Jks Amonia Pint Bottles 5e. ___ ! ,Tfr& n 1 1 iffifcfr Ypsilanti Washing Compound, special preparation I Dl 1 IO I I Cl Q PSÍliliLÍ y&TtlSOlS . wM fex for Silks and Woolens, Florida Water Colgates, Uil I LM v2 II ClO. Wv_f !9!_W - . , i ki , fe -■-.:■..-: w i ÍW 'í"tJKmhI K.tmHi i-i. &? Colorea, cnangaoie. yYiWrw-Wk%sw.''mï' i Piot bottles, ... - '";"" High class Silk Umbrellas at a saving JSflB Stt - "I Sffll I M Jl 1rm I W Johann Maria Fariña, . "' of fully one-third. rf , 1A_ Sf Silk Parasols. !Jf f pPí Fine Glycerine Soap, ...... ' ifjii iiisí,.., i is i niit novov jCK ' 5Sr 'a i-,, i j i i 'i AYfrj' Marsh Mallow Soap, . . . 10c. OUR GlilÜAf LBADIÍR ïquaVed Tg Black and colored. i Holly Soap, . Oe. A 26. inch Silk Serge acacia handle, S7tP L■ Morie Silk Parasols. Milk and Hóney Soap, lOc. 'beautifully finished with 5-inch Silver WÉlff M Peach and Cream Soap, 5c ferule value $2.50, $1 .45. 500 Silk WWr % Mourmng Parasols. „ .n a(, Serge Linbrellas. rustic handles, $1.50 IT '- ■_ - n- ,-.- j- i Buttennilk Soap, . .... Jvalne99.. 500 English Roll, extra r n lA' "S Parasols ofa11 k,inds' J. Water Cress Soap, 10e. heavy pure Silk Umbrellas; they are V t A A with pnces at the L" Colgates, Cape May and Violet Soap, . 25e. tne $5.00 quality, this sale, 852.95. worth one-fourth more. lowest 2d Special. -ï O-""! P Q Qi GHILDREN 'S hUD fSf " " " h'speli. ,000 Uyards wide i 1 i Í I 7-. Mí rpain RartC . TnriTnrnnn nnnnmuTfi '1 W paral as their elder sifters" -n IftTÏ'T Ui dlll O all 5? I flPir W nriTl ÍÍPPt1MÍ1 iXïmii LUuMflfUUJJ Oflljlj 1 lll U I ed to their advantage and the same twWXM. special otferings prevail. kÑfñrh 5,000 - American and Amoskeag, 83 ínfant's Long Presses, 35c MEMmÍM?l Vlllu6 2C' 4W Infanfs Skirts, .- 5OcWftK "1 L 1 -. 75c, 81, $1.35, $2, $2.25. s"ií V -( No restri-tion in the amount vou buv Children's Short Dresses, 75c, $1, $1.35, $2, $2.25. Infant's J_, ___J 2V_ JNo restriction m tüe amounc you Duy. q Cllildren,s Night Dresee8, Oc, 65c, 70c. ,. ,. .m - i- - MTMiMiM-m I Infant's Chrochet Saques, 75c, 80c and $1. [nfant's Bootees, zngaBaaBKammiUkWlVAIlMllUWMlUi I Illll- 1 1' 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ i 2Ot 25c 4Oc 5Qc_ Children's Muslin Capes, 2Oc, 25c, 50c, WSÊSÊPffiÊttmmm Your Fare Paid to Ann Arbor on the Pnrchase oí $5,00 Worth oí Goods, BfcíÉáKB6_BSS_-l


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