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19 Special Sales In One

19 Special Sales In One image
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DON'T LET ONE ITEM ESCAPE YOU. Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Housefurnishings, at a guaranteed saving of 25 to 40 per cent. Now is the time thoughts are turned to house cleaning, to moving, to brightening up the home, and now is just the time to turn vour tliouglits to us, because we do the carpet business as it is done nowhere else, do it thoroughly, intelligently, and on a large scale, because we have anything you want, because we can show you the assortments you want. You will find the best of the Bigelow Axminsters, the best of the Bigelow, Hartford & Lowell Body Brussels and Wilton's, the best of the Roxbury & Smiths' Tapestrys You will find Haudsomer Carpets, Better Carpets. at lower prices than anywhere else, RÏGHT HERE sIlk portieres llniioa Curnichingc JUCECDmi :52i=sSS= 15 pieces Lyons Silk Portieres, sold for $6, sale price $4. ■ ■ V 11 V V ■ UIHIUIIIIIgUl tains. Mark the great rednctions we make for this sale. 5 pairs Lyons Silk Portieres, sold for $8, sale price $6. ' Pairs Jrish Pointe Curtains, value $4, this sale price. $2.45. -' t „ p n M e cío i ffiA Yard wide Fruit of thp Toom 7i pairs .Nottingham Lace Curtains, value $2.50, this sale price, $1.60. o pairs Lyons bilk Portieres, sold for $12, sale pnce $9. rd wide Dimt ot the Loom - - c. 19 pairs Nottingham Lace Cnrtains,value $2.75, this sale price, $1.85. 5 pairs Lyons Bilk Portieres, sold sold for $22, sale $1 6.5O. 2 Oases Lawrence LL bheeting - 4fc. 23 pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, value $2. 75, this sale price, $2.39. 25 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for $3.75, new price $2.85. 3 Cases Yard Wide Unbleached - - 3fc. 16 pair Brussels Net Curtains, new designs, value $5, this 10 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for $6, new price $4.50. J Soft Finished Bleach - 6c pSlZHs Net Captain new design'value $5.50, 14 pairs Chenille Portieres, sold for $7, new price $5.5O. J"1 neavJ bneeting, - 14C. th8 gaIe price _ $3 65 15 pairs Oriental Portieres, sold for $15V new price $1O. 75 piece,S Table Linen' none in valuc less than 65c and 75c 35 Pair Brussels Net Curtains, new designs, confined to The ,K . c . . t, _.. ,,, ,. . nais will be sold for - - 3Jc. Store, value $8.50, this sale price - - $6.50. 'Jd pairs Scotch Portieres, sold for $, new price $2.85. , c . ,, T. . , ,8 _„, , R, c „, r A . ■ K u .- i " F 15 pieces Table Linen, m value 75c to $1.00, will be sold for 69c i8 Pan Brusse]s Lace Curtains, most beautiful eftects, you Take alvantage of these Low Prioes. You'll not see them again. 5 pieces Fast Color Turkev Red Table Damask, 30c value, for 19c' n v?UW Pt7 Un ï ?,8 wil!inS1.'. as our f[e Price! 6'85' , ,, T _, . . ._ ' ' -L0" t buy a Lace Curtain until you have inspected our stock. ______________M___wm___________Ê_m a11 Linen lable Covers, colored border, two yards long 75c. Turkey JRed Table Covers, 2 yards long, - ,- - 75e. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ■BBBUBiHHMHHHBiHHHHBBBBHBMHaHIBHBBIBHiiHi Turkey Red Table Covers, } yards long - - - 1.20. r - - ■■■ i.imnmiiHi-r 14th Special. . Turkey Red Table Covers, 6-4 yards long - - 50c. 15tk Sr,ecial : - 100 dozen Best Hnck Towels - - ... i7c. ' w v Y -m i 100 pieces all Linen Crash .... 4.c J.O JrlGCOS jLOIVGUS 50 pieces Best 12c Crash for - - 9c. J3ÍqeiO hf A CíTI lisiar CaFDets 1 case Bates Quilts reduced from $1.25 to - - - l)8c. Extra Heavy Super 2-ply Ing-raillS. l case Lancaster Quilts reduced from $1.00 to - - 5c. The very best product made in the country. You can 5 15 pieces Ticking, extra heavy feather proof, reduced from get them nowhere for less than $1.50. We will sell Jk fi 18c to - 12ic. them for the next two weeks for QJ J 20 pieces Fancy Ticking, 10 assorted stvles, reduced from _ _m . i5ct ' $1 10 These carpets are a lot bought at the recent Great Ootton Diaper, worth 65c - - 37ic. r Auction Sale of Carpets and are the very best quality, In this lot you will find none but the very latest made in an extra 2:ply Carpet, designs and colorings. All clean fresh goods. L2BMmMÊÊÊaBBmKB&KBBswMmamBmaÈtÊÊmÊ m mmMMmMmxTirvfmnrTTTfiimmirinmmunvaMknun[uMutMM n umi uw- i i m m ■■"■■■■"■,"■■■ ul mini niifLiyuiiikiaiWfflampwB T l 16th Special. PraPeil Fabrics. iiNPAQAimcn - PDIPCQ WiidoW Shades. 4 pieces .Nottingham Lace Goods. value at 25c, this sale pnce 9c. [lrlnl fl pi BtlllLu 3 pieces Nottingham Lace Goods, value at 40c, this sale price 15c. Wlll milibbklifcll I IIIULU We make them to order, all widths, all colors. If you are ecoThis is a job bought at auction at price. ] "y00} gUper 2-Piy Ingrain nomically inclined get our prices. Very low estimares given oa 5 pieces dotted Swiss. the 25c kind, now selling at - 18c. ë large jobs. 6 pieces Colored Dotted Swiss, the 25c kind, now selling at 18c. C'j-- HHl'PR Cnrtain Poles in all lenghts and kinds of wood and fixttire at 25c up. 10 pieces Oriental Drapery Fabrics, thev were 50c, now we r:,, ■' - - - ■ ,2: QQp Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. Dotted Pointe Esprix, 36 inches wide, at - -- 40c. g ,J V A ful1 Iine of them' during th[s sale we win give you a rednction Dotted Pointee Esprix, 47 inches wide, - - - 45c. of 10 per cent. on any one you purchase. - - . - ■. - . . ■. , - , Have never been bought below 65e. _-____----_______________________ - ITthSpeciaL 1Qth Special Moquette Carpets! Linoleum aid on ciofchs. Smith Moutte Carpets have noequal. We have them " thLXtE ít dTiofn ííS ÏJ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS in the new designs, and for two weeks will give you and for the next two weeks make very low the prfces for this choice of our stock ior purpose. 10 wire Tapestry Brussels, the 90c value, pT 8jf- Linoleum, one to four yards widc, the 75c quality, for two will be sold for two weeks at J j i"" f weeks will go at - - - - - 53c. J l Linoleum, the very best quality made, sells the world over for $1 a yard, in all widths and best styles, for two weeks 83c. 10 wire Tapestry Brussels, the 75c value, LvLv- Forecast your wants and economize while this price I Oil CJ ZoVZklto extra (lualit the 5Ockind' ' will be sold for two weeks for OOG laste. . ' 'c cJT ivf ffRl)a Wilfcoij RUgs. ""J LLIIt3 50 WiltonEugS) size 30 x 63, bought at the great Carpe! A TVI ICJCJ You have never bought them, you will never see them so cheap as auction, at regular prices you pay $5 for them, they go we make them in this sale. fr tw0 weeks at - - 2.85. __TTT TTmTTTl 20 rolls China Mattings, gooü value at 30e, for this sale at, 19c. QQ SmyFXlia R.UgS. size 36 x 72. they are the t1 I rW IB I Iv f! 15 rolls China Mattings, good value at 35c, for this sale at 22c. regular $6 quality, 2 weeks at - - - $4.50. " " MMfAM M. % M.+Aá 5 rolls Plain Colored China Mattings, positive 50c, will go at 28c. __ . „s o .„ i„„ ,.;„„ 9 ka 10 rolls China Matting, Fancy Designs and ïïandsome Styles, KaSIÏIlP HUgS, size ób x , leguiar pnce j.öu, Bamboo Bookliacks, 4 shelves, Brass Ornamenta, $2.50 value, 50c quality ... - 30c. for 2 weeks - - - $1.95. for two weeks ----- $1.69. 10 rolls Extra Quality Mattings - - - - 40c. Bamboo Book Racks, 3 shelves, Brass Ornaments, 2 value, 8 rolls Cotton Warp Japanese Mattings, the best 55c value, _ , _ _ ' go for two weeks only at - 42c. KnmMraBngmgraattgm 6 rolls Japanese Mattings, 30c quality, reduced to - 18c. 19th Snecial Bamboo Book Racks, 4 shelves, value $2.25, this sale $1.39. ___ ________- - Bamboo Umbrella Racks, very handsome brass tinished, Lowell, Hartford & vaiue l2-50'thi8 8ale 12 APt SqUareS low Body Brussels. 6fc%LSr 3 -old Brassürnaments'. in va!lie„.25. Ingrain Art Squares, size 2 x U yards, regular price $6.00, 50 rolls new patterns. You _ will get these inakes , for two weeks - - - - - $2.85. nowhere for less than $1.35, in this sale they are Ingrain Art Squares, 2L x 4 pards, regular price $6.00, for rfj ""j V iimiiii i ihwhhm ■■■imi two weeks - - - - - $ l.3o. ?k I _J for two weeks - - $6.35. HMBBBHBIMiMHIHBHHHHHHMHHBHBBIHHHHBBHH jmamBam - Fair paid to Ann Arbor on the purchase of $5.00 Worth of Goods


Ann Arbor Argus
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