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Estáte or Amos Hicks. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COtLNTY" ol Washtenaw, ss. At h beasion ui the Probat Court for (lie County ol 'iVaMitennw, hol.lrn at tha Probate Office i" the dty ni ,nr. Vrhur on Friday, tbc sixth lay uf April, in the year one thousaua i-iiriu hundn-u aiul ninety l'our. Preuont, ,1. Willard Babbitt.Jndge of Probate In the matter of tlie estáte ol Amos Hicka deceased. Herman A. Hicks, the ad ministril tor de bonig non of said etute, comes mío court and represent that he is now preoared to reader bil final account as sucli administra'or. Thereupon it ia ordered that Tuesdny, the eight day ol May oext, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be agsigned tor examining and allowing such account, and tbat the heirs at law of said deceased, aud all other persons interested in said estáte, are requiied toappearataaek-ionof said court, then to be holden at. ihe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show eause.ifany tbere bu, why the said account should not be allowed: Aud it is further ordered, that aaid adminístrate givc notice to the persons interested in said estáte of tbe ptndency of said account, and tbe hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this order to be published in th Ann Arbor Akgus, a newspaper printcd andcirculating in said county, three successive weeks previoua to said dav of hearing. J. WILLABD BAUBITT, true copy. ) Judge of Probate . Williaji Q Dotv. Probate Resrister. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BKEN MADE IN THE condltions of a certain mortgage made l)y Hattie Loney and John Loney of the city of Ann Arbor, to the Aun Arbor Savlngs Assoeiation of Ann Arbor. Michigan, a corporation organizad and dolng business uuder the laws of tlin State of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated April fiftli, A. D. 1898, and recorded at the office of the Hegister of Deed, tor the County of Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, on the flfth day of April. A. D. 1898, in liber 78 of mortgages on page 61. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the suru ot six hundred and six dollars and seventy-one cents, and an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars provided for in .-.aid mortgage, and bo sultor proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the moneya secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: Now, tberefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statuteinsuch case made and provided, notice Is hereby glven that on Saturday the nineteenth day of May, A. I). 1894, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the circuit court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises described in said mortgage, or so niuch thereof as may be necessary to pay theamount due on said mortgage, with Beven per cent interest, and all legal costs. together with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars eovenanted fer therein, the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain piece and paroel of land siuiated in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and known and described as follows: Lots number üne (1) and Twelve (12) in block number Four (4) north of Huron street and in range number Two (2) east. THE ANN ARHOE SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, By Chas. H. Ki,ine. Attornev for Mortgagee. STATE OF MICHIGAN. SUIT PENDING In the circuit Court for Washtenaw County, in Chancery: wherein Walter S. Hicks is complainant and Lydia Hicks is defendant. Salisfactory proof appearing to thiseourt by affidavit on file that defendant is not a resident of this State, but is a resident of Losran8port, Indiana. It is ordered that defendant appear and answer the bilí of complaint flled in this canse within four months from the date of this order. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1891, E. I). K1NNR, Circuit Judge. Chas. H. Klinb, Complainant's Sollcitor. Attest: Authok Buows, Register. Notice of Drain Letting. VOTICEISHERERYGIVEN, Tlmt 1, Daniel ■L' W. Barry, Coúnty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan will, on tlieÜOth day of April, A. D. 1894, at tbe lowerend of Drain In the townsblp of Augusta, at one o'cloek i?i the afternoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for the cleaningout of a certain drain known and designated as "the John Hird ürain," located and establlshed in the said township of Augusta, and described as follows, to-wit : Comrnencingat a point in PaintCreek, 29 3-5 rdsN. of,8 w.cornerof E. Vi of. 8. W. H of sectionlO, town 4, south of Range T East and running thenceN. 602-6 rods, thence N. Sdü degrees, E. 43 rods. thence N. 13 degrees, E. 31 17 25 rods, thence N . VU degrees, E. 15 :j-ó rods, thence N. 34', degrees, W. 10 3-5 roda, thence N. 26 degrees, W. 16 1-5 rods, thence N. 35 degrees, W. 2!l 7-25 rotls, thence N. 12 14-25 rod., thence N. 45 degrees. W. 2 rods, thence N. 31 2-5 rods, W. 38 rods. thenee N. 67 7-25 rods, W. 3 8-25 rods, thence N. 2 rods, W. 3-5 rods, thence N. 20 rods, E. 21 3-25 rods. thence N. 18 2-25 rods, E. 21 3-25 rods, thence N. 120 21-25 rods. Total length of drain 555 9-25 rods. Said job will be let by sections. Thesection at the outlet of the drain will be let first, and the remaining seetioïH in their order up stream, in aceórdance with the diagram now on'flle with the other,paperspertaining tosaid drain, anu bids will be made and received accordingly. Contracta will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate security for tbe performance of the work in a sum then and there to be flxed by me, reserving to myself the right to rejeot any and all bids. The date for the completion of sueh contract, and the terms of payment tlierefor, shall be announced at the time aud place of letting. Notice is further hereby gi ven, That at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to which 1, tbe Drain Commissioner aforebaiil, may adjourn the same, the. assessments for benelttand the lands coTiprised within the "John Bird Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The lollowing i u deseription of the suveral traots or pareéis of land constituting the Special Assessment District of said drain, viz-. E '- of S W i of S W of Sec. Í0; W U of F. 'Í of S W Já Sec. 10; E ü of N. W ii Sec. 10; N pai-t of W % of N VV U Sec. 10: S W i, of S W i Beo. 3; N W % of S W W Sec. 3; E % of S W Ü Sec. 3; E '; of E % of S W L of Seo. 10: S. % of W K of N W Ü Sec. 10: N W '4 of S W X Sec. 10: S W i, of N W ü Sec. 3; and also the Towqship of Augusta at large. Dated, tuis teuth day of April. A. D. 1894. Daniet, W. Bahky, County Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISEB.S. The cream of the country papers is found in Kemington's County Seat Lists. Shrewd adveniser8 avail themselvea of these lists, a copy of vrhich can be had of Remington, Bros., of New York & Pittsburs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News