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Dexter Township

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J. ïrautwein wade a business trip to tliuïson, Tuesday. Frank Mower.s uid ohum spent Sunday in the village. Cliflf Green spent Sunday with lus sister near Hamburg. Mr. Frawley is entertaining his son and family this week. Mr. Sly, of North Lake, greeted old friends lastThursday. Tlie Epworth League wiJl give an entertainment May 11. Chas. VanRiper is home after several days' stay iu Detroit. Fred Stabler, of Fosters, made us a pleasant cali, ïhursday. The Birkett church is undergoing extensive improvements A party of Ann Axborites spent Sunday at the lakes, fishtng. Ilenry Stoup, of Ypsilauti, visited his daughter last Friday. W. P. Smith was the guest of his sister and i ainily Sunday. Mrs Win. Stevens is improving her residence on Baker streel. Miss Stella Vaughn, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of her cousins Mrs. Robbins entertaiued her father one day the last of the week. George Crqfoot and family, of Saline, are moving to Finckney. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McQuillan, April 29, a daughter. Wirt Carpenter entertained his friends from Chelsea, Sunday. Mr. Mallion, of Scio, was with old friends one day the past week. Mr. Leacli and friend, of Chelsea, were here on business, Monday. Ernest Reeves, of Webster, visited his cousin Thursday and Friday. John W. Spoor was in Detroit purchasiug goods for the spring trade. Chas. Bell and Chas. Carpenter spent the last of the week in Ann Arbor. James Bostwiek, of Plymouth, is spending a few days with relatives. Miss Carrie Flemming and cousin spent Sunday with Webster friends. Byron Hopkins aud wife entertained relatives from North Lake. Sunday. Ilomer Reason and friend, of Finckney, speut Thursday at the Portage. Thomas Eagan, of Hamburg, shook hands with Dexter friends, Thursday George Williams and family wil occupy the Kellogg house on C street Mis. N. Carr and son were at the county seat on business last Thursday. Miss Mamie McCabe spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Guinon Tom Dolau, of Finckney, was at the Portage üshing one day tíie last of the week. Harris Ball, of Ann Arbor, was looking after old friends one day the past week. Mrs. Schmidt had her wrist broken last Friday by being kicked with a horse. H. G. Briggs has set out 200 peach trees on his farm near Pinckuey this spring. Florence Carpenter and family entertained a number of friends last Sunday. Messrs. D. Baker and Fohey, of Pinckney, were at the lakes fishing last Thursday. Mrs. Robert Sleator has returned home after spending the winter in California. Ilenry Neeb and wife eutertaired a number of their Ann Arbor triends last Monday. There is talk of the Hudson pulp mili closing, there being no demand for their pulp. Miss Hinchey, of Lima, passed here Saturday on her way to Anderson to visit her parents. Joseph Ellerby and wife, of Albion, have been spendiug the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor. The Ladies' Social Circle of the M. E. church met with Mrs. D. Litchöeld, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Hugh McCabe and daughter, Miss Florence, spent Sunday iu Podunk with her sister. George Pratt and family are soon to occupy their new home on Ann Arbor street, which he purchased last fall. Miss Clara Lee, who has been suffering with a dislocated shoulder, is somewhat recovered and will soon be out. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mis. A. A. Bucka lew. H. Wirt Newkirk will deliver his lecture on vtLife in the South" in the Webster Congregational church this evening. Harnson Phelps and family have 5011e to Colorado in hopesof improving the health of their daughter who is suffering with consumptiou. Prof. W. A. Brusb, horse educator, gave an exhibition with trained horses under canvas, Thursday evening, aud on Fiiday and Saturday they will teach their theory for educating horses. A prohibition club was organized in our village last Saturday evening, and elected the following officers: President, Lester Van Fleet; lst vice-president, Thomas French; 2d vice-president, Charles Lemmon; secretary, Ernest Cushing; treasurer, Geo. Vinkle. The Y. P. S. C. E. held its monthly social and business meeting last Wednesday at the residence of E. K Doane and elected officers as follows for the ensuing half year: President, Miss Mamie Murdock; vice-president, Miss Ella Day; secretary, Miss Ada Blomfield; correspouding secretary, Miss Dollie Francisco; treasurer, Miss Anna Lee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News